Sunday, September 27, 2015

1 coyote down

Sunday morning started with a bang, literally. After I was up at 8:15 and making coffee I got working on the blog. Lola was barking and when Sheldon looked out he saw a coyote right at the lilac tree meadow. He hurriedly got the rifle and let off a shot after a snapped a few pics and called Lola back. Now it wasn't quite a clean kill so he had to quickly put on clothes (no photo of gonch rifleman) and head out with shot gun then dispose of the body. Sort of sounds like a CSI show but was just the end to the ballsy pest I hope.

More fall cleanup for us both, I worked in the garage while he worked on the old diamond harrows. Britt of course slept in then worked on her AEF scholarship application due this week. Marissa S dropped off the egg order. I added more dirt to flower beds topping them up nice, cleaned out the horse trailer since our trail ride planned for today was cancelled due to Shaina's over indulgence last night ;0) and I gave the front mat a good beating and hose! The dogs also got a wormer dose too.

Sheldon finally got out to harrow.

I headed out and walked Julio back to the close paddock as he is still very lame. It was a slow walk but we made it, that and the fact I had text Britt to meet us at the gate with food. He LOVES his food.
 the 33 year old gentleman

Julie dropped off some picking treasures.
Britt hosed and treated Bird then she and I then did a bit of work on Ju. She washed his leg and rubbed linament on then I put on a cotton cloth and wrap for stability. I also trimmed the foot up quick to try and balance it out and help pressure.

big hugs

Marissa G stopped to pick up their growth ruler (right).
After supper, Britt headed for Olds at 6:30. I headed out to cover planters and harvest my zucchini as they say hard frost coming tonight ;(

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