Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1

Shaina who worked her last mens night of the season came home at 3 am and it was not long after that Sheldon was up and off to the airport. Britt and I were awake at 7 am. The now dry rugs were folded and added to the boxes and Grady arrived right at 8 as planned and they were off, college bound. Today was Grady's move in day and as requested he is right next door to B. She got the rest of the items hauled in and set up saying her room feels sweet. College is going to be quite an adventure!
I enjoyed a coffee and getting things somewhat back to normal watering the beds and planters ( 3 days of wind dried them all out terribly) and digging some fresh potatoes as the tops had all but dried to nothing. Shaina got up after 11 in time to head to town for her noon acupuncture with only hot coffee I made her and a couple eggs, the poor girl ;)

My afternoon entertainment was mowing the grass... in the wind... not the best weather to wear an Aussie hat to large for you. It seems the grass is growing like crazy still and the approach could have been swathed! Once this chore was successfully completed, a shower was in order. I LOVE the look of thick fresh cut grass!!
Marketing time was needed so I whipped up this before/after promo picture and posted as well as updated Kijiji. The wind continued all evening discouraging me from walking the dogs. Thank goodness Britt's Netflix is still going so I caught up on some episodes of The Fosters. Britt had a great day and got all set up even stocking her room with some snacks and beverages.
 she does take after Papa in her beverage tastes but apple? what you think Papa??
She even ate at the cafeteria for lunch but supper was a challenge as it was a make your own stir fry and Mom was not there so she had a milkshake!

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