Monday, September 7, 2015

labor day Monday

The morning started with no rain but around 10:30 a few sprinkles fell. As I was getting a glass of water I spotted movement in the far paddock, grabbing the binoculars I confirmed an infiltrator. I quickly grabbed the camera and watched this...

After it was right in Julio's face I called the dogs. Well lets just say they were not much defense. They wanted to say hi and check out the camera and oblivious to what I was directing their attention too. Eventually they headed down off the deck and Lola barked a bit moving in the direction of the coyote. The oats are tall enough you can only see its ears but it meandered along just out of close range as she barked her defensive patrol pattern. Ballsy is all I can say! They don't seem aggressive but they don't seem least bit scared of humans or horses or dogs for that matter.
Britt made cookies yesterday I forgot to add, yum! While it was still crappy I brought the painted board inside and did the hand painting where it was warmer. Britt got up and joined me for lunch happy I had just scored Shaina Twain tickets for next week for her and I.

The sun came out for real around 2, so good to see!! Britt jumped on Britt and off they went while I put an outdoor clear coat on the freshly painted WELCOME sign. It was not long after she brushed and turned out and the thunder rolled. It never amounted to anything other then a few sprinkles but it was again gloomy and dark.

I snapped a few photos to post and got the donation items for the charity auction ready to go

After a celebratory college meal of hot dogs & KD, Britt and I loaded her mini fridge back up and she was off at 5:30 hoping to miss the rain they say coming in again. The evening turned lovely again once the sun came out and the wind was gone, my favorite time of day! Time to walk the dogs!
 even a rainbow
 golden light shines down

 the oats keep on growing with this rain
 and this dahlia is blooming after being overwintered in the garage.. love it

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