Saturday, July 13, 2024

Stucco complete

I woke just before I heard footsteps on the deck before 7. The stucco crew was here and beating the heat. This of course had Harley in guard mode but eventually she fell back asleep and Sheldon slept thru it all till after 8 when coffee went on. The little spruce tree was hosed with the claim of no worms seen. I went out with my dawn spray bottle again and they showed themselves right away. I squished many but so many to go. S was hooking up the trailer and came to see the worms were indeed alive and eating the poor new growth then parked the trailer at the house. This was first time trailer has moved since it was brought out of the shop.

sleeping horses in their fly sheets

The stucco was complete at 11 with chat about paint that works to paint over this existing acrylic stucco- The east side of the garage has stains and faded marks on the relief work. I spent a pile of time trying to find a new door sweep for our front door and was finally successful. I also ordered a self close for our pantry door seeing we are on a hinge run and that door is always open.

It's time to clean and pack up the trailer for our first camping trip tomorrow. I made eggs in peppers with sautéed spinach and tomatoes for lunch, and prepared a macaroni salad to take along camping. B was out taking care of the horses and feeding the mares. It's 24°C and getting warmer. She and Cooper headed home while we continued packing the trailer.

Loading for the first trip is always a challenge, as we seem to pack the entire house and will inevitably forget something important. It was around 27°C at 4 PM and getting too hot to keep going in and out, so we went inside. S started browsing the internet, and I began writing today's blog after I watered the main floor plants.

I headed outdoors to water the raised garden and pluck weeds. Britt was out as I was doing so filling water buckets for the round pen. I moved all the planters in front together for her to water easier when we are gone. S had a nap, an internet peruse then out at 5:30 to pressure wash the truck. We got Harley's bed set up int he trailer, our clothes put in and a pile more food and snacks.

The darn hinges never did arrive even after adding the prime membership delivery. So after 7 we ran to town. First stop was to grab Har a new quilt then to rental house where Craig and Amanda met us. They were excited to see the rental house Renos after being the first ones to live in it all those years ago when we bought it. They brought a cold beverage to celebrate the viewing with. I had picked her fresh herbs too before leaving. We then went to Origin's for another cold drink and visit. We stopped quick at Walmart at 9:30 to get our last groceries needed checking out 2 minutes before closing. Back at the ranch all was unpacked and a few more things added to the trailer. B and D were out in the dark to quickly move the "new" mare and foal into the barn paddock for more room. S and I watched the remains season of Friends in Low Places before lights out.

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