Sunday, July 7, 2024

Rental check list complete... or is it?

Sunny Sunday ahead. I worked on Friday's blog, spending over an hour and a half editing text, photos, and videos before publishing. By 10 a.m., it was time to work on the custom pieces, as the garage was already 21 degrees Celsius. S left for church before 10, taking his rented tools to meet up later. I tested a darker wax on her mirror and sent it for approval. Afterwards, I tidied the garage before heading to town at 11:30.

S had arrived at the rental and turned on the pilot of the fireplace. The stairs required significant work due to the incompetent installation. I filled the edges of a few steps with wood filler and painted them before leaving. S reattached the riser boards on several steps, including the previously missing one at the bottom, and completely redid the top one, removing staples and carpet remnants that the inept contractor had left, despite clear instructions. I filled the torn linoleum areas with wood filler and later camouflaged them with mottled paint. The door trim edges reacted poorly to the wood filler, causing them to swell and emit the pee odor.

I filled ripped holes with filler

I assisted S in taking out the lawnmower out of the truck for him to quickly mowed the small yard. We loaded it along with the pressure washer and the remaining baseboards. S cleared the filthy wet sump at the garage door and swept the floor, unable to pressure wash because of the ongoing water restrictions. He also nailed the wooden piece at the top of the stairs that I had stained, which the contractors were supposed to secure when they installed the edging, but they didn't.

The gaps left at transitions

grey silicone going on

and wiped back

other bedroom had even bigger gaps

check out the filter, the tenant assured Sheldon he was changing it!

The painted filler

I attempted to touch up the ceiling again, but the paint or color wasn't right. However, I successfully applied the grey silicone to the bedroom transitions. We decided to skip cleaning the oven since the price negotiation included new appliances. After completing all the touch-ups, I had the pleasure of washing all the floors. I am not loving how the vinyl washes ;( My initial plan was to start from the front door to the back door and then down to the garage door, but I had to leave the garage door open. So, I mopped my way back to the front door and locked it, hopefully for the last time.

S and I went to Roadhouse for a late lunch around 3 PM. He ordered the pizza sub special with a beer, and I chose a steak sandwich with gin. Unfortunately, his beer tasted sour, the sandwich was dry, and my steak was tough like rubber. Fortunately, another customer complained about the beer, so it was removed from our bill along with the steak. However, I must admit, I'm still somewhat hungry after only eating fries. Nonetheless, it's now 29 degrees outside! It's time to head back, enjoy a cold beverage, and unload the car and truck.

I got busy after the approval for the dark wax on the custom pieces. S pressure-washed the car and truck, then went to shoot gophers. After an hour, I took a break from waxing. Despite having a fan and the doors open, the garage was still extremely hot!

Leftover goulash was had then I was back to waxing. Britt was back out with her pets, she fed bird before she and I went for a ride. Dave was out too but Basil was sleeping so he relaxed on the deck after his big 6/8 win race day. Sheldon joined him on the deck after running the mower over weeds in the far paddock and started the yard. Too hot to mow the lawn for sure so he stopped after partial.

Tonight's new task was lifting his legs and feet touching. He did great.

Shaina and Matt pulled in as were were finishing up our ride. They were very excited to see the foal. After lessons and a visit Dave and Britt headed home. S had started a fire in the pit. Shaina, Matt and I had a soak in the hot tub. S joined us after a bit. After my shower I crawled into bed to watch some Owning Manhattan. Shaina spent some time with J around the fire till S got the hotdogs out with Matt joining them for a bedtime snack.

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