Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Adios reno contractors

While I was writing some notes for the blog, Stacie came upstairs. I started brewing coffee as the guys gathered to enjoy a few cups accompanied by toast and jam before they prepared to depart for the city at 10. Today, we loaded the truck, which unfortunately left Harley feeling dejected because she couldn't join us. Hopefully she will get out with Britt later on her day off.

S sold his water ski and stopped to inquire about shipping costs before we headed to Rona. There, we returned a few items, purchased another smoke alarm, vanity light bulbs, and a new door sill for the garage's man door. Meanwhile, at the rental, contractors were addressing the list of touch-ups we provided, although the stair installation once again posed a challenge. Each step had one square side while the other was uneven. Together, we devised a solution: cutting a notch beneath the irregular edge to fit it properly. S and his fellow made a quick trip to Canadian Tire to acquire the necessary multi-tool.

My initial task involved hanging the freshly painted mirror and replacing the vanity bulbs. Next, I reassembled the ceiling fan and painted the edges black, fitted the kitchen's blank plate, and cleaned the interiors of the kitchen cabinets and drawers. I managed to blend paint into the tile cracks, which appeared effective. However, my effort to apply white paint on the ceiling turned out too vivid and failed to conceal the stains adequately.

S installed the smoke alarm and worked on the garage door sill while the front door was removed to scrape off the urine-soaked inner edge, which was then bleached and treated with a deodorizing spray. As luck would have it, a light rain began to fall just as the door was taken down, so we quickly hung it back up and secured the sill. The day remained cool and gloomy, punctuated by occasional light rain.

The stairs proved to be a challenge for the contractor, definitely not his prior absolute 1000% confidence. After cleaning the main bathroom, it was disheartening to discover that the entire side of the cabinet had bubbled and grungy looking. Now, I'm considering whether to repaint it white or just leave it as is. Meanwhile, the basement bathroom has been thoroughly cleaned, and I've left bleach on the shower caulking, hoping to whiten it. In a pinch, I resorted to using the toilet plunger to scrub the bowl—quite the unconventional approach!

I popped across the alley to pay Stan for the saddle work, and then S and I went for a late lunch/ early supper at 3:30. We chose Chinese food, and afterwards, returned to the rental where work was still ongoing. I carried the taupe paint upstairs for touch-ups to expedite the process after completing the header in the basement. S managed to repair the door under the stairs that wouldn't close. We gathered the trash and cardboard from the garage, loaded it into the truck, and took it along with our household plastics in the back seat to the recycling center.

This is the rental house at the end of the contractors leaving and after all our cleaning

I waited as the contractors finished sweeping and loading their last items, finally departing just before 5 pm, leaving our project nearly complete. However, the bottom stair remains unfinished, and some backings are coming loose, so they've left behind a tube of silicone. I'm not satisfied with the stairs, but S insists that's just how they are. They also didn't apply a bead of grey silicone at the bedroom door gaps. These tasks have been now added to our list, along with thoroughly vacuuming and washing all the floors. I did a final walk through for tonight's 7:30 pm showing. Regrettably, we missed the dump by five minutes, unable to dispose of the truckload of trash on our way home.

At the ranch, S took a nap with big brown since he has a rodeo meeting tonight. Meanwhile, I tackled the accounting to pay the contractors, finished and published June 30th blog and continued to catch up on the blog, which is three days behind again. Once he woke up, he headed to town for his meeting, and I continued with the blogging. Wrapping it up at 9 pm I headed out to see my over grown garden. Most of the radishes have bolted so I picked them and ended up tossing most. Spinach bolted as well so pulled allot and washed for S to taste once home. I checked rain gauges but nothing there. I toured my pretty peonies in the gorgeous golden hour. Sooo pretty.

the little potentilla is blooming

S was home after 10 as I was back working on accounting. He tested the spinach and kept what he wanted then went for a hot tub 

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