Thursday, July 4, 2024

Renny day!

Whoop whoop, it's Renn's day! K texted that Renn was still asleep, having gone to bed late, so her day might be adjusted for naps. She was wondering if I could get there earlier today seeing she left for work at 8:45 and Nathan has a meeting at 10. After having one coffee and publishing the Canada Day post, I filled a to-go cup and set off. S was out taking care of 4 gophers when I departed just before 9.

Hard to see but this dude has a roman spiked helmet riding an electric unicycle down the streets of Calgary as I passed

Renn was having her yogurt and berries for breakfast with Nathan when I got there. He was off to work, and Renn and I spent the morning playing. We also FaceTimed Shaina, who is excited to come early tomorrow. Exciting news came from the realtor; the showing led to an offer for us. I had to gather some necessary papers, which S sent pictures of. Then, he and Harley went to clear out the trash from his truck bed.

Renn's dog walking services in the works

Kaylin popped home before noon. Renn was fed and off to have her nap. K made us a tasty salad for lunch then she was back to work. I watched the news at noon that shows next week is going to be HOT. Looks like our stampede day might be a scorcher at 31. Renn napped for hour and half. once up we played more then went for a walk as the sun was out. A stop at the playground at the end of the block was first up.

Then we wrangled the pony on a lead

spider girl

She loves to sing... I missed most of it but you get the gist

We were back at the house playing with a snack when Sheldon arrived after 3. He brought in Shaina's jeep for her arrival tomorrow am for 10 days. When Kaylin was home from work she kindly sugared my legs and arm pits, THANK YOU! We set off for home after 5 swinging thru town to check the stairs again after a confrontational day with the contractors who threatened a lien on our house after Sheldon shared his concerns with the stairs.  What do you think of their final stair install?

the edge he inset in... gouged wide, no paint, partial white sealer.. WTH??

first step no backing??

gaps visible as walk up

another stair edge with zero finnese

Back at the ranch after 6 Dave was waiting with his mare Suzi and baby Basil. S filled the car and truck with fuel while Harley was totally obsessed with this little guy and even had to have a time out in her kennel. S cooked burgers and I sweet potato fries with Dave and Brittany joining us for supper. It was then time for them to work with Baz in the pen. 

What a beauty night out. Candace and Reese arrived not long after at 8 pm. B went for a ride on Roo. We moved up to the deck to enjoy a cold drink before dropping temperature and the distant thunder has us move inside. Britt and Dave headed home. I gave Harley a cartrophen shot. We chatted till after 11 then off to bed. The lightening lit up the sky with The rain started about the same time we headed to bed  and came down for 3 hours. Totally not what was expected but welcome... except for Basil but he seemed to be pretty chill about it all.

first time in a halter

I love my "Amanda" peonies so much I have to take pictures daily

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