Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Back to the ranch

We rose early once more, anticipating another sweltering day. For breakfast, we enjoyed a delicious bowl of yogurt while packing up. Everything was set, farewells were exchanged, and we departed the campsite before 10:30 am, with the temperature already at 27°C. Opting for a change, we took route #21 home, which was comparable in both time and distance.

my other orchid blooms are starting to open

Britt and Cooper were at the house as her day off. She caught Roo and went for a ride, leaving Cooper, who had been lame for three days, in the air-conditioned house. We enjoyed some fresh peas, which I anticipated would be ready while we unpacked some items. I tended to the plants and S repaired a few problems with the fence before we retreated to the cool indoors. The temperature reached 31 degrees today! Britt left after two hours to enjoy some relaxation on her day off.

S and I inspected the spruce trees and discovered the yellow headed sawfly larvae were still present. He used the pressure washer to eliminate most of them, while I tended to the raised garden beds and carried on with unpacking and laundering the bedding. The pressure washer handle blew up, good day to order a replacement on Amazon prime day. I finally unpacked last month's paint product box. It held lots of new transfers and products.

We had planned to have steak for dinner, but the idea of grilling in this heat was unanimously dismissed. Instead, I prepared ground beef nachos for us along with pan-fried the potatoes and carrots.

S headed to the rodeo meeting at 6. I spent some time on the blog but then chose to redo the trailer bed since the sheets were finished. It was incredibly hot in that tight space, but now it's all set. Next, I tackled weeding the garden and rearranged the soaker hose. Britt, Dave, and Cooper came out around 8 while I was at it. They took care of feeding and training the young ones. Dave cleaned up the manure from the round pen and disposed of it in the pit, Thank you.

garden looks good but sure could use a mow around it

Harley so loves to be a helper during training time

Dave the pied piper of horses :)

I returned to weeding and pruning the raised beds. After his meeting, S stopped by the rental house to install the self-closing hinges, completing our task list. The only thing left is to drop off the keys in the morning when we sign the papers at the lawyer's office. Afterwards, he went to OJ's to join the rodeo crew for some social time. I spent some more time on the blog, then watched Macleod's Daughters while remaking our bed post-shower. Later, I did a bit of Amazon shopping while watching from bed. S got home around 10:30 pm after returning the rental keys and indulged in a large bowl of ice cream to end his night.

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