Thursday, October 6, 2022

Visits in the city

I awoke to the sound of rain before 1 am, this was good but bad seeing I had wood doors set up for pick up today. I debated going out and putting away but eventually decided it was like washing dust off. The coyotes were out as well then too, odd. I took a sleep aid after an hour and was off to dreamland. The usual morning start but it was completely fogged in with the rain like a fishing village. It was brisk out too. The fog stuck around all morning. 

S had his online class at 9:30 as I did marketing, made horse food, cleaned cat litter and posted the new coffee table tutorial and sent into paint company. I unloaded the last 2 sets of doors off the truck ready for pick up. Garage laundry was on the go too. S finished up his zoom class at 11, the gal came for the doors/paint around 11:30 then we were ready to go. 

The sun started to burn thru the fog as we drove to Calgary. First stop was Home Depot to find some wood for 2 growth rulers. It took a while to go thru the big stack but most were warped, dinged or had knot holes but eventually I chose 2 which had issues as well. We had lunch at A&W before making our way to S's friend Dan's house. We had coffee with him and his wife and visited for 2 1/2 hours. 

We were then off to the Calgary crews house to finally see Shaina after her recent UK/Seattle ventures. She and Nathan walked the dogs with us to get Starbucks iced coffees. Sheldon was gobsmacked that 5 coffees were over $30. Kaylin had just gotten home from work when we set out so now we were able to visit with all 3 back at their place till 5.

Costco was in chaos for a supper hour so we made our way thru getting our list as best we could then loaded up and headed east. We made it back to the ranch after 7 for poor H to get out for a pee and feed her a late supper as we unloaded the car. Supper was leftovers as B fed the horses quick and off for home after kindly putting boys in the barn.

S went for a hot tub while I caught up on marketing and computer work. I crawled into bed and started a new series called Bling Empire.. holy cow there are sure allot of rich people in the world. I made our traditional yogurt/fruit/granola bowl too as S watched a bit once showered but was soon asleep.

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