Friday, October 21, 2022


I let H out at 6:45 for a pee then back to sleep being awoken at 8:20 with rain coming down. It continued for a bit and made the yard feel like a fishing village. While S perused the net as I watered all the plants up and down.

S helped me haul the vanity base in to stage later. We went out for a hot tub before lunch as there was no wind and the air was fresh. A quick rinse when done and then I made grilled chicken cheese ciabatta buns, yummy!

I painted the dining table a second coat of charcoal grey, it looks lovely now with that coat on.

I grabbed an IKEA chair Shaina had been using in Banff. It had a broken portion so took apart and glued/clamped together and left to dry well. The rest of the chairs was scrubbed. S had ventured out after lunch and did the Friday filter flush and added chemicals and finished the stair wind wall.

He then unloaded the wood from the trailer and screwed new bolts he had gotten. I painted the chair a coat of purple. H and I then went out to help organize the wood and stuff as well as access the sheds we hope to get rid of in the spring. The high was 7 today, what a change from 24 just a day or so ago. I hauled the cat food over and the 2 planters and tomato pot inside the garage for the winter. S still has many green tomatoes that hopefully ripen.

S came in to relax in big brown and I was out to garage painting the second color purple on the chair and blending them. Shaina arrived bringing us a tea before 5. I came in to make a pot of chili and enjoy the tea while S perused the news making himself angry over the ArriveCan app that costs taxpayers 54 million.

 I staged the vanity but had some repairs and sanding of edges to do to try and get mirror to fit, UGH!

S ate his chili bowl with toasted ciabatta buns as Shaina continued to work and I did paint touch ups. I then had my bowl as Shaina prepped to meet her girlfriends for supper in Chestermere. B arrived and did her horse feeding in the brr cold then came in for a bowl of chili after Shaina headed off. B also brought a parcel that had new carbide blades, yeah! B was off for home after eating. 

I worked on writing a tutorial for the white cabinet while S watched baseball and perused the net which always makes him curse politicians especially with todays new handgun prohibition law. He went out for a second hot tub at 8:30. I stayed inside and wrote a Hometalk post for the floral tray. Once he was in and I finished up we finished the Wild Croc Territory season. What a surprise ending ;( Mom was out before 9 and was off to her room to watch her laptop. We started The Watcher but S soon fell asleep, I then watched some Keep Sweet before shutting off the lights.

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