Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tables tables everywhere

This am I got busy in the garage after marketing sanding the rulers then priming them both sides. While the coat dried, I painted the table base/legs a second white coat then primer on the board fronts before coming in to update spreadsheet. Laundry was started, turkey bones put on to simmer and the sourdough starter fed. S spent the morning in big brown perusing the internet news then working on GST spreadsheet. Did you see the big celebration day post?

A tasty turkey bun was had for lunch then S was back to his laptop and I back to the garage projects clear waxing the table apron and legs. Then I dark waxed the table apron. The rulers had a second coat applied to the fronts.

 Seeing it was so nice out I ventured out to find S with the hoses rolled up to blow out. He swapped the skid steer to bucket and followed me out to flatten gopher holes. This will help horses and human avoid broken legs as well as allow the swather to roll without lifting the header. There was a pile of gates I opened and closed to get him thru before we were able to head out to fill a couple badger holes in the hay field. 

Horses were curious and you can see Stella who had to be out with us and Harley is beside me. They soon got bored and went to the house.

There were a few others B and I always see when riding the fence line but no real luck know that most was grassed over. I walked back to the house in the beautiful sunshine. Even though it was only 15 there was no wind and all sun. I had a cold drink on the deck while S did more skid steer tasks emptying the wood bag of chips and partial oat bag and grading the laneway.

Wanting to take advantage of the beautiful weather I hauled out the latest dining table and leaf (I had wood filled spots earlier) and got sanding. The slide mechanism was sticky from I am not sure what was gumming it all up so after sanding all the tops smooth, the center was scrubbed and the top wiped and all left to dry.

the leaf underside edges were damaged, what the heck happens to pieces in use?

The leaf top had damage too

and what the heck is clogging up the tracks?

Goo gone and heavy cleaner sprayed in and a good scrub

The top had heat damage, scratches, peeling finish etc, man was this well used, good thing it was free.

after 3 grits of sanding

Now on to finish the turkey soup for supper. S was back in big brown on his laptop, B was out early before 6 as it is Dave's birthday. She fed horses and loaded up Gulliver to become a house cat. He has been tormenting Stella for a while but it is getting worse with him attacking her on the deck at suppertime. We ate our soup then I hauled in the table to the garage and took Stella to the barn to spend the night with J and hunt mice. I hopped in the hot tub while S went to the TV room for hockey. After a rinse I caught up todays blog then headed to bed to watch my iPad at 8. S had a hot tub soak then we watched an episode of Animal Kingdom.

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