Sunday, October 30, 2022

Charcoal table sold

I got the coffee on after feeding H and enjoyed a cup in bed playing brain games while S napped. We had planned to go ATV'ing today as last nice day before winters arrives but I had a wind alert for Bragg Creek area, boo. When S woke, he decided we should skip the trip and not long later the wind started here but did not last long. After our coffees we got the main area tidied as I had a person want to come view the dining table. This was needed as we also have Ma and Pa coming for a visit seeing we are staying home for the day. 

I glued the lower edges of the box I glued the inside top. We changed sheets on the one basement bed fresh for guests then S moved the horses into the winter pasture and locked up for the day seeing there may be a few folks coming and going. He let the cats out too in the now 11-degree day. I continued the tidying and computer work with S perusing his laptop. Somewhere along the way I tweaked my back ;( The couple arrived just before 1, liked the table and had it loaded and on their way in short order. 

We finished up the bison roast in sandwiches for lunch then I was back to computer work. S ventured out after a rest to photograph the outdoor area he was organizing but back in short order as the wind picked up again. I changed into paint clothes and headed out to finish painting the front of the cabinet, the hardware and make touchups on other areas. S went out to finish his outdoor area sorting so I took H for a walk to get her moving for a bit then helped him move pallets and a water tote that in the end we hauled back out and put for sale. Ma & Pa changed plans to come tomorrow instead so I offered to go help Dad with his supper.

We both changed clothes and jumped in the truck to head to town after 4. Britt had just got here to feed as we were leaving. First stop was to help Dad with his supper then we all walked for a bit and tucked him into bed for an after-supper nap. We then went to BP's for our supper, we thought about going to the fish truck at fright night but the wind was still up and I never get excited for greasy battered fish. 

We had a good supper then restocked on booze, groceries, fuel and grabbed a tea before heading back to the ranch by 7:30. Supplies unloaded and put away as well as the cats then S was in big brown watching football and I updating the blog. I went out to sand the painted edges and ended up scraping the drawer edge off and repainting as there was a long drip line. The wind continued to howl and poop smell was awful so no hot tub. Instead, I had a shower with S following suit then we crawled into bed to watch a couple Animal Kingdom episodes. S was almost instantly asleep after shutting it off. I watched another Drink Master before I went to sleep.

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