Friday, October 28, 2022

Another birthday in October

Today is Ma K's 80th birthday, HAPPY CAKE DAY!! We called her as we had our first coffee in bed. Then I was on to marketing with second cup and S to his laptop after running to let cats out for the day. I had an online bank survey which paid me $30 for half hour of my opinions, looks like groceries are good this week, well at least some bread and milk :)

For lunch I made a Japanese salad while S fried up a toad in the hole with added veggies on the side and some salad. S helped me haul in the latest dining table then had a nap on the couch while I staged some photos then did some marketing.

Wanting some new smaller projects I pulled out this case I had cleaned up awhile back and saw the lining was loose so glued it and stacked weight on it to dry overnight.

I started working on the cabinet as my next project next hauling it over to the open area by the hose. I started hand scraping the loose finish which turned into 2 hours of scraping and vacuuming as I went but think it looks good. B popped out during this fed and was off having today off work. It was a blustery day out today.

It was safer to remove the glass and fretwork seeing I kept laying on its side for better strokes. Look at the dust bunnies and gunk always found between glass and edges from years of use.

hand scraping video

I finished one side and came in to write the dining table, get photos watermarked and get it listed in all the sale spots. Tables sure take up allot of room so fingers crossed 1 or 2 sell soon.

S had flushed the hot tub filters then went to organize wood. He cut apart the rafters we had stored under the trailer to make a pile of useable 2X4's and sorted rail end chunks into tubs and other organizing around the sheds. He came in at 5:30 and seeing the wind had finally quit we went out for a hot tub in the sunshine. No wind and sunshine make a huge difference to a good soak.

Back inside I vacuumed while S did the rest of the chemical updates for the hot tub. Supper was left over bison roast with S concocting another grilled sandwich idea. I stuck with traditional meat and veggies. The first world series ball game started today.  S also filled the tub seeing the days are looking to get cold. He put away the cats for the night with soft food treat before back to the ball game and laptop. I continued computer work then moved to bed.

As the ball game went into extra innings to a Philly win we borrowed Nathan's Apple TV (THANK YOU) to watch the Animal Kingdom episodes our PVR did not record as well as 1 more. S was then off to dream land and I finished the High series.

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