Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Horse chiro helps KD

After a couple wakeups in the night I awoke at 7:15 then let H out who laid in the sun. I started the coffee, went an gave KD her meds and clean both stalls and soon S woke and we had a cup in bed. Mom was up and got a cup and relaxed in the living room. I made Dad a smoothie which Mom took along when she was off to pick him up at 9 and then take him to his oral surgeon consult in the city. S did some hot tub troubleshooting in his housecoat while I headed back to the barn to take KD out for water and visit friend in the sunshine. I also took Roo out and put her mask on then moved horses around while KD was tied at waterer. Switch had her mask removed and she and Roo went in the house paddock which has shorter grass.

I took Biebs back in to go in other stall next to KD but he was more interested in chewing on the new frame and pooping in stall. I took pictures of KD’S feet for another farrier. S was out and working on setting up the sprinkler in the arena as that might be a great place with soft footing to stay in. I let Biebs out and caught Pepper and put in the stall after tranqing KD.

S brought the quad in with wagon so I could continue my poop scooping morning then he hooked to the harrows and started working the ground up as the sprinkler worked to keep the dust down. Biebs thought eating the wooden ramp was a good idea so I ran and got hot sauce and applied. Try that buddy. I then went back and mixed up 30 Tylenol in hot water to give to KD, did you know horses could have it? Before coming in for lunch and a beer I scooped all the dog poop… it is a poop scooping kinda day.

Leftovers for lunch and the news with S kicking back in big brown for a rest. We both headed out at 1 with S jumping on the lawn mower and I watering my garden and moving all the cords and hoses out of his way. I took KD out for water and and a walk then clear coated Britt’s mounting block before sweeping barn floor and cleaning stalls again. S had a bucket full on skid steer so waited for me to scoop the wet shavings thanks to Pepper.. like a $9 pee soaking most of the fresh bedding. Then he dumped in the pit.

He also did more hot tub chemical trials thru the day and finished harrowing the arena that I had moved the sprinkler around to other areas. It looks good and is definitively not dusty anymore. He finished edges with hand watering as I refilled stall water bucket and moved water around the hot tab grass area which is burning up already. Mom and Dad stopped to see KD on their way home from the dentist and had a short visit. I took KD out for water and a walk then reluctantly back to her stall. Pepper had some free time out eating grass then I sequestered him back too.

this tree is so pretty I have to take pictures as I pass it, they wont last long!

S and I enjoyed a cold beverage on the deck then he hooked up the horse trailer for tonight. I fed horses his watermelon rinds and fed H and made new bowls for her before we came in before 4:30 to 1- relax in big brown and 2 - type the blog. We ate leftover roast dinner before 6 hockey game and had time for a half hour soak in the hot tub (S took his phone to watch game in tub) before I rinsed and dressed. S stayed in a bit longer then treated the tub and back to the hockey game. I took Pepper out and caught Switch. I walked both girls in the lovely wind free sunny night until B arrived before 7:30. 

look at all the blossoms

We loaded KD, Switch and Cooper and headed off to Murray for 8 pm appointment. He found issues all over KD and hopefully it relieved many of them. Switch had her usual poll and other adjustment and once loaded we were back at the ranch by 8:30. Mom was back and visiting with Sheldon. B and I unloaded and did meds. I got out a new hay net and Switch's new boots. I cut out the pads to fit only to find they were too big ;( dam it. 

B finished up feeding horses and last few things and headed home at 9:30. I jumped in the shower then bed to finish the Queen of the South series which S watched with me so now he knows the ending he doesnt need to watch :). Be darned if I didn't get dozy watching the last episode but got a second wind that required a sleeping pill at 2 am.

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