Saturday, May 28, 2022

Off to the the races

check out the helicopter limo service Shaina got from Blair I! and her view below

Unfortunately I woke at 4 and could not sleep; I tried podcasts and relaxation breathing and eventually fell asleep around 6:30. My beauty sleep is sorely lacking LOL I then woke at 8 and answered Shaina who messaged in the night. She will not be coming home tomorrow but rather extending her trip till June 8th. I was then up to feed H make myself a coffee and let the prince sleep while I got a blog post published and worked on some more. Once he was up around 9:30 it was 3 phone calls back to back that kept him busy. I did housework and computer work then went and took of Roo and KD's masks.

The gal and her helper crew arrived before 11 as we finished up calls. They got the hutch loaded and on their way. I moved on to watering my garden and pots, planting peas then it was leftover lunch for us. B and Coop were out at 12:30 and at 1 we headed off to the races on a beautiful sunny day. I did drop a stack of boxes and packing paper at the gate on the way out for a gal to pick up.

This year for the Moore's event they had a room booked upstairs. We watched and S bet from there until they served a delicious bacon wrapped tenderloin meal. Then all headed outside to the cordoned off area to watch up close and personal. There were 2- $100K races (one was the Moore's event) and be darned if the same driver did not win both but sadly it was not Dave. 

Dr Jordan on the big screen talking about their $100K stake race

new found cocktail watching from up in the room

Once the races ended we headed for home but seeing now the sun was out we looped thru town and stopped at the ball diamond to watch Asher's game. Mom and Dad arrived after us but it was a short lived game catching about an hour then being called by 10 runs up after 4 innings and not for Strathmore.

Back at the ranch Britt had hosed KD's legs. I helped her put diaper/poultice pads and boots on her to help with sore feet. B then rode Roo and I came in to make a smoothie for "supper" seeing we had it earlier. S had to add a cabbage roll with it too. Then he and I went to soak in the tub with B heading home around 9.

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