Friday, May 13, 2022

First lawn mowing of the year

S was up after 2 when I also heard my phone. B had one of the gals on the staggette tour end up in an ambulance after possible drugging, How scary is that? Shaina text 10  minutes later with her UK update.  H wanted out at 4:30 then to the garage. Dave dropped Cooper off at 7:30 and let H out to join him only to have her wanting in soon after.

S made coffee at 8 and got cement, solar and fertilizer calls underway. He was then napping in bed after 9 not feeling well. I did some marketing quick before heading out to continue hand weeding my back flower bed. Once he was up S attempted to start the push lawn mower but it took many tries until I found him a syringe which he used to prime with gas and got it going and mowed around the trees for me. The dandelions are growing like crazy and after a couple hours I was only half done the bed. 

Sheldon found his car flag and decorated Tatonka for the games!!

Time for lunch; I made tuna sandwiches and S came in after ???? He then had another nap as I headed back out to do a bit of digging then got on the lawn mower and got the yard mowed. Once he was up he came and moved 2 implements with the skid steer so I could mow under then took wheelbarrow of “compost” to the pit and brought a bucket of dirt back to cover an exposed wire at the barn/paddock gate.

I moved to digging around the peonies and shrubs then S and I hung the 2nd set of solar lights along the west deck edge.

this was taken few days later, this day is not that sunny

I had soaked the food and mixed up taking out to feed the 2 horses then filled the salt/mineral tub that was empty in the shelter while S blocked in the deck edge where the dogs are digging thru from under the deck. Time for a cold drink on the deck after giving the dogs a treat. It started to get cooler so we hit the hot tub for a half hour soak. 

S added chemicals then crawled into bed for another nap hoping the nausea passes. I sprayed a touch up on the bison skull then bottled my kombucha in a berry flavour and did not make more as all out of bottles. Need Shaina home to help us drink more ;). She text that all the videotaping is done and onto the team building w/e. Britt text things were doing better today but the staggette party is not quite her thing.

Salad was mixed up and a potato pack made to go with the bison burgers S cooked once up. The weather blew in a few sprinkles and wind then back to ok. The day has been allover. S watched the hockey games as I spent an hour glue gunning and sewing wicker basket handles that were discounted cause broken.

Once the Flames game was about to start S moved to the big TV where I joined him. It started out shaky in the first, picked up in the second but ended not in their favor. I was tuckered and once they lost came up to bed only to wake up, UGH. S was up after the highlights and a call to his Dad going online and buying us a couple tickets for game 7 Sunday night.

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