Saturday, May 7, 2022

I wrenched my back again

It was another rough night of sleep again in a perfectly quiet house. I had shut off Netflix and was drifting when I wondered if I paid the bills this week so out to the computer to find I had. Back in bed I could now not sleep so listened to some podcasts until after 2 only to wake up after 4, WTH! As hard as I tried I could not get back to sleep so listened to more podcasts then chatted with S who was on his way to work.

video of this daily game

After 8 I got up and took the 2 pups out to pee then got them breakfast. It is lovely and sunny out. Back out to walk the dogs and let the cats out I also checked the hot tub levels. I added PH- and let it bubble for a bit. I tried to giveaway my market tickets and get another blog page finished as I am behind again then headed out to soak for a bit in the hot tub and sunshine.

I showered up and was getting ready to head outside when B arrived at 11 with Lexi and Cooper leaving them for the day and heading back to town. I cleaned out the front flower bed and started on the back before coming in for a bowl of chili and a fresca. It seems however I tweaked my back doing the weeding or coughing (my covid remaining symptoms), dang it!

I had this critter in my wheelbarrow (video)

Beans and I headed to town after 1 dropping the stinky trash off at dump then to take Dad for a walk. The weather has taken a turn clouding over and the skies to the north darkening. I am hoping for rain but know Dad really enjoys getting out. He was still eating when we arrived so I sat on a chair to wait where many of the workers and residents fawned over Beans. We then headed out for a walk around the complex and sat in the sun while it was out. Once the wind picked up we headed back in. 

Shaina text she was at the airport awaiting her 3 pm flight to the UK, safe travels my sweet girl!! XOXO

Beans and I took a quick tour thru Walmart looking for a few things with zero luck then tried Rona again no luck finding an outdoor clear spray for S's bison heads. I grabbed an iced coffee on the way home then the mail and back home after 3. B was trimming Beibs feet in the blustery wind, what a hard working horse girl. S and I chatted as I searched for things to do in Toronto for our other days there. B along with Coop and Lexi headed home at 4:30 having put rain sheets on the 2 oldies. Harley's raw food company had a fire at the manufacturer plant that has caused a big delay in product but I did manage to order her bulk meat to make our own till it is back up and running hopefully.

most welcome rain video

Rain finally started before 6 but let up as I was eating my tuna and crackers. I thought it a good time to go put cats away taking the 2 little dogs. As luck would have it it started to rain turning to small hail and once I finally got Stella rounded up and both put inside with raw food it was coming down good. The pups were put away to dry and I worked on the blog. It let up not long after but was very welcome.

The evening was now sunny and fresh smelling after the rain and with Sheldon's encouragement I decided to see if the hot tub might help my back and went for a soak. I added muriatic acid and a new zorbie sponge once finished. A quick shower off then a last take out for the pups and it was bed time for them. I headed to bed to relax with Netflix and texting S as the Flames game progressed only to have them lose again, darn. A sleeping pill was in order to make sure I got a good sleep and after 11 it was lights out.

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