Monday, May 9, 2022

SNOW DAY & S comes home early

I woke after midnight and not long after H started to bark. When I got up to look I saw it was raining outside so maybe she heard that as she now was quiet. I headed back to bed after eating a few chips :) It was another restless night awaking at 6 to see the ground now covered in snow and more coming down. I sent pics to S who is flying home this am as well as K&N who are flying in this am too. I perused Instagram for an hour then got up and took pups out for a bathroom break in the snow. I made a cup of coffee but switched to iced for next one. Time to get some marketing and blog work done between puppy plays. 

S text he landed before 11 with K & N landing soon after. She was off to work and they will come out for supper. S picked up Opa and arrived with it before noon. We caught the news while eating and I put on Dr Ho. B stopped out with Lexi and Cooper and was off to appointments taking my parcel to the post office, THANKS B!

He then prepped for a zoom meeting heading to TV room after 1. I took the dogs out again and let cats out as the snow was now melting. Once the sun popped out it did not take long and all was soon gone except a few shaded areas. It turned into a beautiful day hitting 9 and full sun. Accounting was up next and once he was done his meeting we headed out into the hot tub where the sun was blinding for a half hour soak. My back is finally feeling a bit better now.

After our soak I brought Beans out to play and scoop poop around the yard, Sheldon worked on retrofitting the water tank overflow to reroute after we built the wind wall. I also planted 8 potato plants. B was back from her hair cutting and highlighting appointment at 4:30, fed her horses and lunged Roo then was off with Cooper at 5:30 to get to her condo board meeting.

Kaylin arrived around 5:30 with Chinese food for our supper, yeah!! We had a great visit while eating catching up on her trip. K brought me a bag of mini milky ways too XOXOXO After supper Sheldon and her took a ride in the new car while I walked the dogs and gave H a brush. Next up was a soak in the hot tub. S added a couple more boards to the wind wall and moved the TV outside the railing for better viewing then hopped in to join us.

We all got out and closed up the tub, S watched inside now while I helped pack up the dog stuff.  K left at 9 as I fed the cats and locked them up. While S watched the game in bed I used headphones to watch QOTS. I am delivering the blue dresser tomorrow so hauled up the drawers and during intermission S brought up the body and we loaded it into the car. Back to his game, He was stoked that they won!! Before going to sleep he did go add chlorine to the hot tub.

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