Sunday, May 29, 2022

KD care day

Usual start to our day with a sleep in till 9. B was out before lunch and off to check horses. She brought KD and Pep into the arena to see if the sand felt better on KD's feet but no real change. She had brought a product called magic cushion to try on KD's feet along with spongy kneeling pads to cut into boot cushions. S pressure washed the hot tub filters then joined us in the shop putting a new chain on the west man door that snapped in the wind earlier this year. 

assessment video

First B tried ice boots (shopping bags) on her feet which she was not a fan of.

KD not an ice fan video

Then the pads were cut to fit in boots

The gooey magic cushion was spread on...

newspaper applied next to be a barrier between the sticky goo and the rest. It was then wrapped with vet wrap then a duct tape boot applied. Then the boot with the foam pad put on. She was then put in the small paddock with Pepper.

We came in for a late lunch putting a pizza in. S also had a bowl of chili too. B ran to town to get more horse supplies. Shaina facetimed from the Illingworth's in the UK to catch us up on her trip and future trip to Ibiza Tuesday. Sheldon headed to big brown and fell asleep during her visit. Once back B said a quick hello to Shaina then went to check KD finding her laying down behind the shop. I said goodbye and headed out to help her get KD up (I think she was a bit cast in a swale that did not help), redo a back foot packing, take off all boots and put larger ones on front. B had been talking to a fellow vet who will come check her out ASAP.

the dramatic lay down video

reassuring video for Shaina after an hour of being up

B then fed the other 2 as I stained the sign she is having me make for a wedding gift and Sheldon went out to shoot gophers. B rode Roo in round pen as I watered the garden waiting for the vet. Dave arrived for moral support for B.

the thunderchild crab is in full bloom!

Vet Ashley arrived after 5; She assessed KD, blocked her front legs and took x-rays and concluded she has laminitis. Her boots were put back on with the pads we made from foam kneeling pads and a DMSO jug was ran. As it was halfway Britt got called into colic surgery. Mom had arrived after the vet and popped out to see progress so she held KD for 15 minutes after her jug while I put Switch's mask on and fed Cooper. Dave headed out to put Roo's mask on but after Ashley left I saw him having trouble so headed out and helped him get it on her.

checking pulses and for heat, blocking her feet in with meds then x-rays which I was aproned up too as holder.

wraps went on her front legs and below is her IV jug of DMSO which I cleverly jimmy rigged thru the beam.

Back at the house I made popcorn and we all visited before Mom went to bed after 9. I went to check on an unhappy KD and scooped her stall. Dave and Cooper headed home after I was back to the house. S headed to bed too as did I to watch QOTS and was just drifting off when Britt was back before 10 from her call out. She was giving KD ace which is a tranquilizer when I went out. After she was all settled in we shut out the lights and left her for the night. I had made B a stew bowl to go and off she went hopefully to get a good nights sleep. THANKS B for all your dedicated horse care! XOXO

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