Sunday, May 22, 2022

River walk & grotto hockey game

Good thing we brought the plants in as it did go down to zero last night. It was the usual morning with H going out at 5:30, me making coffee and feeding her after 9 and breakfast of toast for Mom and S once up. After Mom left to go spend the morning with Dad S and I headed out to work around the yard. I trimmed trees while S set up the water to drain the shop tank he found a leak in. While it watered the trees and the one under the deck I put on peonies he weed ate under the trees. Dog poop scooping is a full time job. But all was good as it was a BEAUTIFUL morning with loads of sun and no wind.

We test drove a new mat, Harley likes :)

I added more goodies to our kale salad for lunch. B was out after lunch, she made food and did horse stuff. Dave and one of his owners and his wife stopped out to see Biebs. They brought 2 huge bags of carrots and black licorice as treats which had Switch and Pepper very interested.

in a sea of white and pink I have 2 yellow tulips

B ice packing KD's head, she has treats in her pocket KD knows


Mom and Dad arrived as they were visiting then on their way. Dave and Britt jumped in with us and the dogs after giving KD dex. The campground was packed with campers and picnickers. We all enjoyed a nice walk in the sunshine. 

crowded back seat

off we go

Back at our house it was barbecue prep. Britt and Dave headed to town for groceries and get swim trunks. Dad opted to stay here for supper ;) Once back we all enjoyed a tasty smokie, burger hot dog supper with salads. Mom took Dad back at 7:30 as the big hockey game started.

S moved the TV to the “grotto” for the 3rd period. He, Dave and I all hopped in while B rode Roo. Mom worked on her computer once back inside. Sadly the Flames lost the game. B got in the tub as S got out and I was not far behind to shower up. They headed home with Coop at 10:30 and we headed to bed. S perused his phone while I watched a bit of QOTS before shutting it down.

evening video

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