Tuesday, March 1, 2022

First day of spring??

First day of spring started as a brisk -7 fogged in / hoar frost covered day, Yep H wanted out before 2 am then to the garage but I woke again at 3:30 and 6:30 but both briefly before my now usual 7:30 wakeup. It was the usual start with feed, coffee and computer and a bonus of the tulips blooming more.

Today I am starting my workout journey meeting Sharon at the gym at 11. I made it right on time but was pushing to grab the trash I forgot to load and drop a prescription off to be filled. We had a quick catchup with a chai tea she brought for us, THANK YOU then did a warm up following Shaina's YouTube post. The first weight workout was a barbell squat that tweaked my knee dang it. This changed all knee bending for the rest of the workout but I got it done, Thanks Sharon for coaching me along. 

We finished up almost at 12:30. I rushed to pick up the filled prescription, pick up Cooper and his food and drop the trash off at the dump arriving back home at 12:59 with a minute to spare before my 1 pm phone call. After it was over after 2 I made another delicious spinach salad for a late lunch. The sun popped thru during the call and made for a beautiful day now at plus 1. I tossed anotehr horse blanket in the wash before the hardware for the dresser was painted gold and left to dry well.

Time to let the cats out for a stretch in the sun or in Jay's case begging for food. Seeing it was so nice I took the dogs for a 2 km walk. It was slushy like spring in the pastures and the dogs enjoyed racing around in it. 

Around supper time the fog rolled back in like soup. B was out just before I had an online Dr appointment with our family naturopath Tim at 6:30. She fed and kindly put the cats away with soft food and headed home. Travis booked a bed but ended up getting his mattress loaded in the end and was off for home. I had a late supper after 7:30 of the other pork chop, I'm thankful for leftovers on a busy day like today.

After my computer work I crawled into bed and watched Wentworth then was listening to a sleep podcast when S got home in the fog after 11. He was asleep in short order after his long day.

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