Saturday, March 12, 2022

Spring like day out

Another crazy sleep night in my life. I woke before 3 only to have H want out, Sure enough she did her biz quick and back inside but I could not fall asleep right away. I did drift then woke again before 5:30 only to have S reply to a text not long after. Seeing I was awake we had a quick phone call on his drive to work at 6. H went out and did her biz yet again then into her kennel this time. I did eventually fall asleep not waking till after 9 which worked great seeing time changes tomorrow and I wanted to adjust her breakfast time. 

Coffee and marketing then H and I went to let cats out into the sunshine where she went #2 again! I then gave her the bison leg to keep her busy for awhile while I spent the morning was spent watering/misting plants, cleaning, laundry, linen changes and spray painting the hardware outside now that is has risen above the freezing mark. I noticed her out the window later going a 4th time in less then 24 hours, what a dog. I forgot to share a cute photo of K & S out on the ski hill Thursday. They spent 2 days enjoying the mountain life but did wish it was a bit warmer.


The sideboard was staged after the front had more hemp oil rubbed in some dry areas.

I took the bison leg away just before B and Coop were out at 12:30 bringing me an iced coffee, THANK YOU!! She got busy trimming Bird & Pepper and I started more horse blanket laundry in the garage. Seeing it was so nice out and melting like crazy I headed out and did a poop scoop loop then swept out the feed room in the barn. Harley got a brush outside as starting to shed out. After B trimmed Roo too she and Coop headed home before 4. Harley came in to nap while I sourced and created a giveaway paint package for my social media followers then wrote an email for my subscriber list members as well.

Poor H had a late supper seeing I was caught up in accounting but after her I cooked up the 2nd HF meal; BBQ chicken salad. While the chicken was cooking I ran and put the kitties away with food. Back inside I finished it up, it was very tasty and would be a make again for sure. While I was cooking I also had the Etsy register chime, after eating and cleaning up I found it was the other magazine rack. It is on display at a store in town so will need to be picked up then boxed up. I finished up with the blog while watching more Pieces of Her as I cooked, ate and typed then moved to bed with a dish of grapes to relax at 8:30. H went out at 11:30 then to the garage... hmm.

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