Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Water laying everywhere

Four am bathroom break for H then to the kennel with me waking after 7. The sun was rising and always so pretty. I had planned to go coffee free but the cool house called for a warm cup as I got onto marketing. A new giveaway graphic was created and got it shared. Shaina was up, loaded up and off for her 9:10 am blood work as I was posting the white dresser tutorial. She was frustrated to find the lab tech would not do it seeing it was for a naturopath and will cost $$ ;( 

I did hold H off till 9 for breakfast before we let out the cats. It started out overcast at plus 2 but the sun eventually popped out. I jumped in the shower then back to working on more tutorials. 

A bowl of bison goulash was lunch then I hauled in the dresser hoping to stage somewhere other then the white staging wall. However after hauling it to a few places nothing worked so I managed to move the sideboard with slides under feet and stage in usual spot. The dental clinic called and can fit me in tomorrow. The forecast wind started to pick up at 1, yuck should have took H for a walk before hand. It is now plus 11 and the snow is melting even faster. 

But now that my body smart coach upped my steps to 8000/day I put on a headband and headed out. First order was to get KD and Pepper out of the yard then scoop poop as the melting snow reveals more. H and I then looped thru the winter pasture to check on hay and found it is gone so will get prince to roll one out once home. Back inside I had a series of phone calls one with good news Dad may be able to get into a long term secure facility but may only be in the Calgary area.

I scrubbed this little pot up yesterday, now to paint

The paint parcel was opened and put away as well as more garage tidying. The little tea pot was painted a coat of primer. I put a second coat on after my salad supper. The cats were put away with raw and yet more poop scooping. The water is pooling and draining all over. 

I was creating another giveaway email spying Cooper out the window later then usual but saw Dave was with B feeding as well. He is still racing in BC and gone from Sunday to Tuesday. After they fed Dave trimmed Biebs feet as the chinook winds blew. 

They finished up and came in for tea and cookies (THANKS Mom!) and a visit. They headed home  around 9:30. I headed to bed to watch Netflix finishing the season of Pieces of Her. I had just shut off lights when S made it home from the airport after 11. He was soon asleep after his long day. I was now awake and started another show for a bit.

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