Thursday, March 31, 2022

Dad moves to Strathmore

The morning started early yet again. I woke at 1:30, let H out at 3:30 woke again at 5:30, 6:30 then finally just woke up after 7. S woke earlier then normal too and made coffee before 7:30. The ground was covered with snow, the moisture we desperately need. We had a couple coffees in bed while I searched up river front properties and shared with S as he multitasked with his phone. I staged the tea pot up.

video view

the moisture is welcome

I then got on to marketing when a gal wanting to buy some wood filler messaged wanting to come now. I looked out to see "Darren" tree flat sideways!! And ice was everywhere. The rain snow combo was allot more destructive then I thought. S went to let cats out with food and grab a stake. I met him at the tree after the gal arrived to get her stuff.  The hot wire had an inch of ice on it and hanging down when I opened it for her to loop around. The trees were laddened with the ice too. We got it staked with a metal post and larger wooden this time.

I then scooped some poop, snapped pics then went in to paint the end table a coat of primer while S went inside. S got tools and had me meet him at the rustic shelter to put the hooks up. He has an idea to hang a bison head in the center so we looked at the choices in the shop and he decided. It was now lunch time so I made egg salad sandwiches and S added the last of the spaghetti sauce and bread to go with his sandwich.

I totally missed my coach meeting at noon :(. Rest time for the prince while I did a quick bit of computer work and found screws and a driver to hang the picture frame. Mom text they were close to Stathmore after 2 so we loaded up and headed in to meet her, Dad, Travis, Amanda and Aislyn to get him moved into his new place. We had his stuff up and arranged and meet and greet done by 3:30 but putzed around till almost 5 when we all headed to the Station for supper. Paetz's had some delays but eventually all 6 arrived. We had a nice meal, THANKS Mom and Dad for supper then all were off in different directions.

We arrived home at 7 to find B had let H out of her kennel and fed her, THANKS! Then S went to watch hockey while I took Harley and Stella for a 1.6 mile walk. Stella has her groove back but was sure tuckered by the end. J met us on the last little ways back to the house. 

Roo was curious as to Stella out for a walk

I got their food and put them away for the night then came in. I was working to catch up Tuesday's blog when S came up after first intermission and headed to the tub. I joined him for a bit but he left to go watch the 2nd. After I was done I closed it up, showered and worked on catching up today's blog. In bed I started my online nutrition course thru Body Smart. S did not come up to go to bed till after 11:30 then sound asleep.

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