Friday, March 11, 2022

Dramatic dresser drawers

This am H wanted out at 4:30, temps were -14, brr but up to -10 when I awoke at 6:30 with a dull headache and could not get back to sleep. It is bright out at this time so maybe it is my internal sun dial that wakes me earlier each day. The time changes this w/e too. I let H out of her kennel after 7 and made coffee. Looks like another multi hour day ahead so I got busy with marketing. It is 9 years since I have been painting so need to get some giveaways underway. I created a celebration graphic and shared it, now to figure out prizes.

The wind blew for the morning so it was perfect to be working in the garage. The rest of the dresser was blended with the blue and left to dry. Time for a bowl of soup for an early lunch then back out to work on the dresser. All the paint was lightly sanded and a clear coat applied. My headache had not subsided with one pill so I went in and took 2 more along with my supplements.

Rice paper was cut to go on the drawer sides. I forgot to take some photos S needed so when he reminded me I bundled up and H and I went out to snap some. Thankfully the wind went down a bit and it was about -8. The cats door was opened and they were given a bit of raw. Once I was back to the dresser applying the rice paper nausea feelings increased (I have had them after the supplements quite often) so I finished up the drawers, washed all the brushes and hardware then came in to lay down for a bit. That helped but I could not sleep of course so watched a few more of my new series before H requested her supper. A few salty chips were in order which helped a bit.

By now I felt a bit better so tried to eat the other half of last nights bulgar/salmon meal but it was not appealing so moved on to vacuuming as the evening sun always shows the accumulated dirt and dog hair which makes me crazy. B and Coop were out at the usual time and while she fed I put the cats away with raw and scooped more poop to get my steps up. They were then off for home as I finished up the blog before heading to soak in the tub for some hot water therapy. I am looking forward to this fancy hot tub being installed soon ;) I finished the Woman in the House series I started; there are only 8 short episodes. It is kind of a satirical crime drama that was OK with a few twists.

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