Monday, March 14, 2022

Shaina tweaks my training

Crazy but H slept from after her supper yesterday and did not scratch till just before 7 then into her kennel till breakfast. I however woke to check time at 12, 2, 4 then woke at 6 WTH!! That is actually 5 am just 2 days ago. I did get moving after 8 to move out the kennel, put kombucha in garage fridge, open the yard gate and made an iced coffee for my garage work. The cleaning gal arrived at 9 and got busy. H was sent out with her bone and I dark waxed the dresser. The hardware was put on next before I loaded H and she and I went to town quick at 11 to pick up the magazine rack that sold on Etsy.

However when I got to the store I found it was no longer on display and after a search all my items were boxed up downstairs?? It seems my contract ran out?? Not sure as the boss was in a meeting. Well at least the rack was sold so off I went with the box with next stop to pick up Cooper. A quick stop at Sobey's scored me some salad rolls and broccoli salad for lunch then we headed home. The pups were off to play and I got back to the dresser after eating. 

The edges needed a thicker line on the drawer edges using a new little artist brush to blend the colors then clear coated once dry. Now to box up the magazine rack which did fit the box but required a unique cut down top to fit at an angle adding another piece of cardboard to fill in missing top area. It was bubble wrapped and packed with packing peanuts and all taped up. The cleaning gal finished up early around 1:30 and was off. I sent her payment and completed the label for the parcel but am still without a printer as HP guy never called back.

I found later the cleaning gal left a surprise; local soap :)

Amanda, the 2 littles and Clover arrived around 2 to spend the afternoon while their house was inspected. She grabbed a paint parcel that was dropped at the gate on her way in and took the parcel to be mailed back to town with her when she headed home after 4. THANK YOU!! The sun came out after lunch and hit +10, the snow is melting like crazy going from a white blanket to lots of soggy bare spot perfect dog mucking mess.

I got to work before feeding H and Cooper after 5 then got busy making a bison goulash. Shaina arrived after 6 to join me (throwing in laundry too) with Britt arriving at her usual 6:30. She however went to feed right away seeing horses were right at gate. Shaina and I headed to the gym while she finished feeding, tucked the kitties away with food and ate her share of goulash. 

Shaina videotaped my form for my coach

then I videotaped a few of hers for her coach, here she is lifting 160 pounds!!

meanwhile back at the ranch B sent this video of the slushy animal antics

Coach Shaina helped correct my technique while I did my gym workout and she did hers. We finished up and were back home before 9. She made a protein smoothie and did more of her checkins and I had fruit and yogurt. It seems I had a corner of a molar fracture so left a message at the dentists in hopes of getting in to fix it ASAP. Shaina kept on her laundry and off to bed after 10. I made my giveaway draw and caught up the blog before heading to bed by 10:30 catching some Netflix.

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