Thursday, March 24, 2022

Snow starts the day but it ends sunny

I awoke to snow (0 degrees) and a headache with the crazy weather change. A couple pills and brain games then out to feed H who spent night in garage with no scratches early. I tossed her tongue and liver pieces out in the snow for a search. I was planning to go coffee free this week but the chilly weather called for a couple cups. The sun came out after 10 so we went out and fed/let out cats, scooped some poop and got a load of garage laundry going as well as the last horse blanket washing in the house.

I wrote a Hometalk post for the blue jewelry box before heading back to the garage to paint the little tea pot my favorite color blue. I prepped the stencil giveaway post to go live later. Salad for lunch then to garage for some spring cleaning while I sent H out with a frozen esophagus. The weather was off and on gloomy then a bit of sun hitting a high of 6.

I put on a headband and H and I walked the perimeter which is just over 2 kms. I also find trash on my walks and today was foam, paper, baler twine and barbed wire. Back inside H had a nap and I wrote a Hometalk post for the dining chairs from way back. Mom called to say Sagewood (the local seniors center) called and they have a room for Dad now!! This was a bit of a surprise even knowing he was on the list so a few calls ensued and we will go see this room tomorrow afternoon.

The dog food delivery was pulling in to our yard so I ran out to open yard gate and found our tallest "Darren" tree had tipped over, UGH!! I grabbed a hammer after the food was delivered and put in the freezer and hammered the stake back in but the ground is soft so fingers crossed.

I ate the other half of the Dijon chicken for supper and the wind picked up so I waited for it to go down then headed out to soak in the now sunshine in the tub. It was so lovely as the wind let up and the sun came out. I did find about 50 more drown bees in the filter. They seem to be getting in the center crack of the cover.

Can you see the writing on the board better?

Snapchat fun

I saw Cooper come around the corner with Britt arriving 20 minutes early. She was off to feed then was worried about Pepper so got the stethoscope and checked him out. She suspects a heart murmur and noticed he is getting ribby so wants to up his feed intake. She is also pulling blood in the am to take to work and double check things.

I got out and closed it all up then looped around to find Britt taking Roo for a walk. Inside I jumped in the shower to rinse off. B finished up and headed home at 7:30 as I was adding more water to the tub to get above the minimum water line in my fluffy housecoat of course. I chopped fresh strawberries in plain yogurt for my snack and caught up the blog before heading to bed to relax and watch the rest of Life After Death I did not finish last night.

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