Monday, February 28, 2022

Where did Feb go?

Dang the sleep dilemma with H wanting out at 5 then to garage yet I awoke at 7 and this was with a sleeping pill at 1:30. I relaxed with a couple cookie jam brain games and a few fun Snapchat filters before jumping in the shower then out to feed H. Coffee was needed today.

the filters are fun

Look the tulips are blooming!

I found I was behind 3 months balancing bank accounts with settings changed to paperless oddly so got that done then published my cherry blossom wine case tutorial. This process takes awhile too along with editing, loading and getting the blog from yesterday done. It was a dreary overcast but above zero day with the sun coming out briefly when I let the cats out before noon.

A gal stopped to buy a bit. I ate the last of the garlicky shrimp but the cold roasted potatoes were yucky. Harley got them :) Another gal getting bison stopped at 2 then I got busy in the garage. The dresser drawer sides were stenciled a fun print and the drawer fronts another coat of satin clear.

The crate was dark waxed and while it dried I took H for a walk opening the winter pasture gate for them and closing the yard gate. Back inside I took the dreaded body photos for the Body Smart app.

Then the crate was brought in to stage

The kitties were put away with food, the dresser hauled in with B and Cooper arriving after at the usual 6:30. I was prepping the last HF meal; smart bbq pork chops.  She fed then we measured her to order her bridesmaid dress then she was off. I cooked up my supper eating late chatting with S who was doing his laundry.

I did a bit of blogging posting the last day of the vacation and all days up to are now caught up, finally!! I also tried to help B find the best flight to Nashville in May, wow pricey. She did find a 1 stop for $400 compared to direct at $1200. An episode of Wentworth followed by a relaxing sleep sound podcast wrapped up the last day of February.

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