Thursday, February 17, 2022

Bison run

Coffee in bed to start the day then a shower for motivation. I finished the wine case putting together and lightly sanding and waxing. S unpacked the one freezer and plugged in ready for bison. Hello Fresh was delivered, a few suppers for the week :)

During the news at lunch I had a kombucha explode in a glass going everywhere requiring a change of clothes for me and allot of wiping with S kindly mopping the floor.

The wine case was staged and an Etsy post created for it.

S rolled a bale out after lunch, I made up the food and completed another blog day with photos and once he was back in we bathed Harley. Allot of our day was spent researching hot tubs. After feeding the horses for B who got called into work last night I had S join me outside to discuss placement spots for said hot tub. It seems we have a spot in mind now. 

The second freezer was finally delivered just before 5. Once it was in its spot we loaded up H and were on the road to the hat at 5. It started raining about 30 minutes out. We arrived in the Hat just after 7 to enjoy pub night at Ma and Pa's. Wings, potato salad veggies, and of course a fancy chocolate cupcake dessert. The evening was spent visiting and watching TV and some Olympics.

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