Friday, February 4, 2022

Back to Winter or is it Spring?

I woke early at the usual after 7 even before H. She eventually heard me getting up and hustled in for a big pet. The sunrise was really pretty but it soon clouded over. It was still cold at -17 so after feeding her by 8 I made coffee. I had loads of catch up on computer work and emails. Luckily I had the peacock jewelry box tutorial ready to go so published it and did all the usual shares and such for it. I started my phone photo download with almost 200 photos. Next up pack up the pepper grinder that sold on Etsy and get the label printed. This required an extended printer setup having changed all the router data before I left.

S got up after a sleep in, grabbed a coffee and did catchup in his online world. 

He headed out mid morning to let cats out and check food and found a downspout had blown off so fixed it. Harley was so excited to play ball and be out even though it was only -10 now. Seeing the horses were in watching this all S took off the 3 horse blankets and cleared the walks. Thank you! I had moved on inside to vacuuming while the robot was going as well. A good deep mop was in order too. It seems a kombucha blew up while we were gone that B forgot to put in fridge but Shaina cleaned it up, thanks girls. Time to jump in shower and get dressed for the day.

Tuna sandwiches were had while S caught up on the noon news and his online world while I worked on blog posts. Plants all needed watering and the grinch tree was disassembled. Sad to see the little guy go. I then made my kombucha batch that was uber fizzy, this could be a bubbly blueberry batch. After his rest, S ran to get the mail before 3 dropping a package at the gate I had for a lady. It was up to +5 now, what a change from this am. Back from the mail it was read the mail time and a nap for him in big brown. I continued mopping and cleaning and found kombucha had hit the dining table chairs and under the upper cabinets LOL I did not realize the bottle actually shattered, crazy!! A load of laundry was started but will leave the rest till tomorrow.

Supper was chosen by S; beef sausage and macaroni. Britt popped out at the usual time, ate her share then took the dogs with her to feed horses. She and Cooper headed home before 7:30. S watched hockey and I was back working on the blog and loading some of Sheldon's photos. After his game S watched the movie Blow while I watched more McLeods Daughters.

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