Sunday, February 27, 2022

Baby Beans overload

Out of the blue I woke at 5 and laid quiet till H started barking at something outside. I let her out to add her 2 cents then off to the garage and back to sleep for us both till after 7. The day is overcast but -1 to start. Kaylin sent video of Lexi and Beans this am, it is hilarious that she left his new toy but she warms up over the day. Prepare for some puppy cuteness overload.

Lex and Beans

I worked on catching up the blog... only 1 vacation day and 1 normal day to post, yeah me. Plant watering up next and sadly the monstera plant I scored for Shaina is not going to make it after the cold exposure. Cats were let out and the crate had more white dry brushed.

I loaded H and the insulated blanket in the truck and headed to town after 11 to pick up the cabinet. Luckily the lady had 2 sons to load it up for me. A stop at Walmart was next for a few things then I grabbed a Starbucks caramel cold brew. Mail was picked up and back to the ranch before 12:30. 

the lady says over 300 years old??

tulips survived and starting to flower!

The sun  finally broke thru before 1 as I was working on balancing the credit card bill. B and Cooper arrived just after and helped me unload the cabinet into the garage, THANKS B! She was then off to feed horses. After feeding she took Roo and KD inside to trim (KD's backs today) I ate a late lunch of kale salad and headed out to help her with KD's back left foot. I then drug the wheelbarrow around to scoop poop. It is PLUS 8 out and melting like crazy again. After she finished up they headed home. Kaylin sent a photo shoot of Lexi and Beans and OMG.. adorable!!

watch this video, awe!!

The dresser had another satin clear coat brushed on the wood as did the crate. Photos and blog work next before a bowl of bison soup. I packaged up the rest to freeze and washed up slow cooker. Yoga was enjoyed with the sunsetting in the big bedroom window. Then a bit more computer work and into bed to relax watching all the Body Smart videos in the startup module while the chinook winds continued to howl. Some measurements needed to be retaken but I got it all done. I was listening to a podcast when I turned out the lights at 10:30 only to wake at 11, eat a couple pizzelles as now wide awake again. I listened to podcasts till after 1:30 ;(

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