Friday, February 25, 2022

Super sunny day

H wanted out to bark at something at 1 then to the garage, I woke early again at 7:30 I think because it is so light out now. Today was bright and sunny and continuing to warm starting at -10. With a coffee after feeding H I did a bit of computer posting then out to let cats out in the sunshine and grab some tack a guy wants. It was cleaned up and a bag of bison was hauled in and onto the deck for a fellow to pick up after 10.

The dresser was painted a white coat and the sideboard a 3rd coat of hemp oil. B has plans tonight so asked me to feed. H and I went out to do so and play some ball while waiting for them to eat. Lunch was another yummy spinach salad. Time to get a Hometalk post done for the floral record cabinet. I make passive income from these posts so if you happen to pop by and check them out it counts as a view.

Back to the garage to buff the sideboard, remove staples from the back and replace with new nails as well as inside. It was such a beautiful sunny day and now -5, H and I took the tack bag to hang at the gate. Once back I remembered another item so went back and exchanged. She and I played some ball after retrieving from pasture then scooped more poop. All buckets are full, need to get wheelbarrow from the arena.

this photo shows the minute scratches on the nightstand, if only I knew a painter ;)

The dresser had a second coat painted on then the hardware had more stripper applied and the last of the pink scrubbed off. The sideboard hardware was polished up too. Inside I worked on the pink wine case tutorial noticing it was -1 at 4:30. I cooked up the first HF meal; clementine chicken salad. It was so good and will definitely make again. 

H and I took raw food to put cats to bed after 6 with Britt and Coop stopping awhile after. She was off for supper with girlfriends leaving Coop to stay here till later. I continued working on the tutorial and blog posts with my iPad at my side working on the last few Inventing Anna episodes. Another vacation day post - Feb 1 I completed the other night went live.

these sunsets make my days

B picked up Coop at 10 and I almost finished Inventing Anna but shut off saving last hour till tomorrow. Crazy it is based on a true story of hustling a system/society.

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