Thursday, February 3, 2022

Day 7 - home day ;(

Today is home day, how sad to leave the sun, sand and floral/greenery. We hoped to see the sunrise but when checked at 6:30 it was clouded over so back to sleep we went. We had a coffee and packed up before heading down to take a walk on the beach and have brunch before we headed out. A cold beer was enjoyed on the premium deck in the sunshine before heading up to get our bags.

We checked out and were loaded on the shuttle back to the airport at 12:05. It was a bit of a shit show with the lineup rules and non printing bag tags machine but eventually we were on our way easily thru security and had a long wait in the airport. It is a lovely airport with lots of seating and shops. The bus ride to the plane was once again the biggest shits how of the whole thing. They load you up on the bus stuffed like cattle (zero social distancing) then drive you 200 feet to the plane but drive around it before letting you off.

no social distancing here folks

The plane was easily no more then half full and provided full service on the way home. we just had a beer along with our movies. I finished Black Widow then watched The Night House which I vote don't watch then enjoyed some McLeod's Daughters I had downloaded. S finished Shanghai then watched Black Widow then napped. We landed at 8 coming thru some snow to brr -16 temperatures. Getting thru customs had a few technical machine glitches again and then we were lucky enough to be selected for random testing. Seeing the plane was not filled it seemed like most had to test so I think it is a total per plane no matter how many on it. 

Before the testing you have to wait for the bags then get in the testing line where you fill out registration for the program, get to a table where they take your passport and details and fill out your paperwork and tube then off to the actual testing area. By now it was 9 pm. To get to the car left at Mercedes we looked at Ube and saw $24 saw went to find a cab with no luck , booked the Uber then found we had to go up a level to departures to the 1 of 3 doors they are only allowed to be at due to the cab union rules. The Uber had us to the car in short order. It took longer for S to get the keys out of the lock box as I stood in the blowing winter wind in not the right kind of pants ;). We loaded bags, cranked the seat heat and headed home where it was -18.5!! Britt had left for her place with a headache but THANKS for caring for Harley while we were gone. She was tucked into her kennel when we arrived only barking and stayed in kennel till I came to her. Not sure if she believed it was us for a few minutes.

She then got her tail wagging as we bustled around. I changed the sheets on the bed while S found his spare Fitbit strap having broke his in Cabo. A glass of water and off to bed where I watched more McCleod's daughters before lights out.

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