Sunday, October 17, 2021

Stella goes missing ;(

I brought Harley into the bedroom around 6:30 when a few car beeps alerted her after letting her out to pee then again at 7:30 but by 8 she was ready to go out. I pulled on pants, a jacket and S runners and off we went thinking she would have her morning poop and be done. She had other plans wanting to loop the gorgeous grounds in search of bunnies. Turning one corner we saw a deer that was not really scared. It moved up by Ma and Pa's house and stood waiting for me to run in the basement door and get my cell phone. It was not even concerned about H and she was not sure what it was. The bunnies were much more exciting. Back inside everyone was up, coffee was on and breakfast soon followed including H's.

Ma and Pa were off to church at 10:30 and we followed behind them loading H to come along too. S dropped me at Dad's then he and H went ot look at trailers and drive around. I gave Dad a manicure and pedicure with music and visiting. S was back to get me at 11:30 as Dad went to eat dinner. We went to check out these trailers only to find the sales place closed. We arrived back at Ma and Pa's right behind them just before noon.

We had a nice brunch of bacon, eggs, toast and fruit before we set out at 1 to Candace's to take a walk along her river view. It was 26 degrees out, holy cow. We did not go as far as planned all the way down to police point but it was a good walk. I left S with his family dropping Harley back at their house to have water and rest while I headed over to visit Dad. I had promised a sundae so grabbed 2 on my way. He was napping when I arrived but super stoked to wake up for a visit and the sundae. It was the perfect treat for the beautiful day. Dad was still wearing his hoodie and melton wool jacket as cold, I said he needs to put on some winter weight.

We visited about horses, our pets and watched more bull riding videos and How to be a Cowboy ones. Dad liked the videos and music so I will get more for next time. I headed back after Dad was off to 4:30 supper. Ma, Pa, Sheldon and Candace were have cold beers on the patio so I joined in with pizza they picked up. It was lovely eating outside on the deck in 26 degrees on October 17th! We loaded up and headed for home after 6.

We arrived home after 8 and as we unpacked Stella was not to be seen with J sitting on the step. I headed out and looped around calling her. Back inside I checked with Shaina who was in the tub and she saw her earlier this afternoon as did Britt when I text her. I went back out and checked all around the shop, sheds, deck and further into the paddocks, nothing. Sheldon even came out in his housecoat and checked the shop behind me. Usually she comes running at the kitty call right away. This made us very sad. I crawled into bed trying to watch Netflix but switched to watching how to trap foxes and pet communication on YouTube.

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