Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Details details

Harley wanted out a couple times after midnight then 1:30 when I put her in the garage. At 7:30 I heard her scratch and thought it odd she was up so early but when I checked garage she was not there but rather the front door which was locked. WTH?? I swear I put her in the garage how did she get out there? I was laying in bed when I remembered Britt asked to drop Cooper off, sure enough she was out in the dark changing Biebs poultice pad. I chatted with her before she was off to work and left dogs in garage till I fed and let out in half hour.

no photos today so resharing this beauty sunrise

Coffee motivator was needed today for sure. S let kitties out tossed hay and worked on laptop. Trailer research and marketing for me along with plant care. My transplanted pines have not done well ;( The wind picked up like crazy but the sun came out with it hitting 13. After lunch S braved the wind to run the fireplace chimney flue brush down the stack then back into big brown for a nap.

Trailer research was most of the day looking up brands and prices. I even talked to a dealer in Billings MT but no real deals there. We eventually got ahold of a guy selling a 2021 Cougar like the one we looked at yesterday but the white model. This consumed lots of time as the guy is living in it and just posted it for sale LOL We also need a hitch for the truck that would need to be found in next day or 2, so many things all at once it seems.

I prepped veggies to roast and S got the steak ready. We were cooking when B popped out to do her horse things and feed Cooper before they were off for home. The early dark is making for longer nights but thankfully AB voted to not keep the time zone as current and we will be falling back soon. S and I soaked in the tub before he hit the bed to watch sports and I did marketing and caught up blog. The wind continued to howl into the night. I started to read my library book Forever Dog while S fell deep asleep.

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