Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Garage day

Shaina was making cappuccino for her 6:30 meeting. H needed out before 7 then waited for Britt, Dave and Cooper to arrived around 7:30. They found Biebs (AKA Bad Blood) had banged his leg and shivering so on went his blanket. He is also a bit unsettled so not eating our hay. Dave will bring some of his usual to encourage him to eat. B let the cats out too. They left Cooper for the day and were off to theirs jobs. I turned on the coffee before feeding H and letting them out to play for a bit in the brisk -2 air.

Stella <3 Harley

I worked on marketing, S on his laptop and Shaina cooked up bacon and eggs for breakfast, THANKS. I put the last of the eggs on to hard boil.

S ran to town to get rid of recyclables and trash and was back just after 10:30 with teas even one for Shaina who left for town about 10 minutes earlier. He was then on the laptop perusing travel units. I was out working on the dressers buffing, dark waxing and putting the hardware back on. S started tidying the car before lunch and helped me carry them inside.

After lunch we headed back out; him to the car and I to start a new project; the 3 drawer unit S picked up last week in town. I am going to do it in shades of pink as a breast cancer project even though it is veneer chipboard. I worked thru 2 colors as S finished the car and moved in the truck which was much more work. I did a load of garage laundry, scrubbed brushes and dog dishes. We are doing great on our cleaning mission.

the truck is way to big for this garage for everyday parking but works ok to clean inside.

I popped out in the brisk overcast day to video Biebs for B and show he seems to be walking better.

Seems Cooper did not like the filling from his chew treat his Mom left him but Harley liked it of course :)

We took the dogs out for a walk after 4:30 as Shaina was leaving for the city. We put the kitties away and S got to meet Biebs before coming in. I got supper ready but as it was just about time to eat S remembered his rodeo meeting at 6:30. Britt and Dave were out after 6 as S put his food in the fridge and was off to the meeting. They tried Roo with him but she kicked him and was mean so Switch went in. Switch had walked all the way in alone after lunch to graze near him till 6 so this should be a good horse to be in with him first. After their horse tasks they were off for home before 7:30 as I was catching up the blog. I continued marketing and watching You on my iPad but was lights out by the time S was back after meeting and a couple drinks at OJ's around 10:30 followed closely behind by Shaina from the city.

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