Saturday, October 9, 2021

Rearranging kinda day

Brisk -2 when I was up to let H out at 6:30 am (she has been back to this hour earlier time for the last week now) then feed her at 8:30. I made a pot of coffee and got busy marketing putting the last big photo page for the river walk day live and working on the coffee table tutorial. While chatting to Mom K on the phone I cleaned out the dishwasher then with Mom W I started pruning the Norwegian pines that are not doing so well being transplanted. This led to rearranging the living room seeing the vacuum was still out.

I found my quilt rack had a rail broke so took apart and glued it back together.

Britt was out at noon having ran to the city for a massage. She went and lunged Roo and brushed her. Shaina was up to help me move the recliner and she and I had a bowl of soup before she went back to her office. B came in for her bowl too then she and I went out to trim Bird's toes back and put on her new sparkle boots and fine tune Switch's. It was beautiful out now with full sunshine and 18 degrees. I pulled more frost bitten plants and did a poop scoop before giving Harley a bath. B fed the 2 horses - KD is no longer getting food much to her chagrin.

Once they were fed B headed home. I was back in working on the house cleaning. Shaina got her work done and was off to another Thanksgiving get together at a girlfriends after 3. Before leaving she helped me carry the headboard downstairs as the buyer has to figure out how to get it ;) I got back to writing the tutorial when Matt called at 4. He was dropping off some pork, THANKS!! Craig and Amanda followed him into the yard and a short visit was had by all. The Goslings were on their way in short order while Craig chatted for a bit. Amanda wrenched her back just like I did last week and was in pain. I feel her pain. They were off as I closed the yard gate.

Back inside I made another Hello Fresh; almond crusted chicken for my supper. Once I got the pots and pans scrubbed up Harley and I along with Stella headed out to remove Bird's boots as per B's request. While we were out in the lovely fall evening we continued to loop around west picking up J on our way by. Back inside I continued more episodes of Explained new season as I worked on the computer and finished the coffee table tutorial. There are so many interesting ones like Dogs, Hurricanes, Skin and Dance Crazes. Have you watched any? I also listened to a dementia expert for a bit too before heading to bed after 10. In bed I started a new Netflix series called Coroner which is a CBC show. I watched 3 episodes and found it ok esp for a CBC show.

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