Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Another smoky day

Harley wanted out at 4:30 most likely from the smoky dino bone but was back out at her usual 7:30 then to garage. I managed to fall back asleep between each not waking till almost 9! Another smoky overcast dreary cool day today. Perfect to catch up on computer work. I posted the faux milk glass tutorial I had finished last week and then did the usual marketing of it and emailing. Kaylin's birthday post took awhile going thru all the blog photos for the last few years but I did find a few as well as relive memories as I passed by other photos.

Needing to give H some exercise we headed out at 12:30 to loop around. It was brisk today at 8 degrees! Medicine Hat was 30 yesterday. Back to the barn I fed the cats and hauled a bale down for Pepper and KD who was his paddock roomie last night. Poop was scooped and the last of my zucchini picked and the 2 cantaloupes. The forecast says cools nights ahead and the tops are already touched with frost.

Lunch was some left over linguine then back to computer. Shaina was back from the city at 3 as I was starting another online class. She is planning to organize and clean her room, YEAH!! But maybe after doing checkins, booo. She also brought me a tea, thanks!! I finished our ATV day blog post while the course ran for an hour.

Shaina brought leftovers home for her supper so I made a kale salad for mine. Britt and Cooper arrived at 6:30. Harley's food was delivered just after 7 as B was trimming KD. Shaina went out to help hold her to finish faster then she and I moved her desk downstairs. It was just a hair to wide in all directions to get thru the door so I removed the door and we eventually got it in. She got back to tidy I thought but it was actually computer work and I to blogging and running a load of bedding thru. Mom is staying tomorrow night so putting clean sheets in spare room.

I watched The Circle while typing before moving to bed and was finishing up an episode when Shaina headed back to the city after 11 to stay at Kaylin's again having her hair appointment in Airdrie at 10 am tomorrow. I left the finale till tomorrow and moved on to YouTube videos which had me up and checking the fiddle leaf transplant then to the garage to add water to an avocado seed I had found growing in the garden after burying. Perhaps it is not the best idea to watch how to videos after midnight ;)

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