Thursday, October 14, 2021

Luna goes missing ;(

Another usual start to the day, H back to 6:30 early out. Coffee was served in bed on another frosty -2 day. I wrote a tutorial for Steph's treasure box while S took H for a walk to burn some energy. He was back in and kindly gave a wee vacuum after her feet left dirt then he relaxed on couch to read his book. Then the tutorial link was shared in all the appropriate places and people.

I mixed up 2 colors of milk paint to the dresser. While they sat to thicken

I hauled the dressers out and started sanding the tops, yes that is frost on the ground in the shade

I ran out to put Bird's boots on when she as close to the house and did a poop scoop. The day is warming up and has not much wind, yeah! Plant care was up next as S was reading.

Leftover lunch with Shaina joining in then she headed back to work. S and I donned our warmer clothes and headed out to do yard clean up. It actually had warmed up nicely and now13. Yard decorations were put away, I repotted the geraniums in small pots to over winter, S hung the Christmas lights then we dug the last of the potatoes and let air dry in the sun. I pulled the last of the plants while S got compost from the pit. 

We added lime to help prevent the potato rust and amend the soil, then we topped up the garden boxes with fresh ‘dirt”. I put away all garden tools while S moved the dog pools and blue tub inside the shop.

Time for a cold beer finishing up at 3:30. Shaina was taking a break to cook some porridge so we had a game of five crowns. Shaina was then back to work, Sheldon to his book on the couch and I went and finished sanding the dresser tops, hauled them inside and painted the first coat of paint on all pieces. I finished up at 6 coming in to catch the news while Shaina cooked us supper.

It was very good, sockeye salmon, ancient grains and roasted zucchini/cheese. We were finishing up when Britt arrived before 7. S was off to the TV room for baseball game and Shaina to work. B fed the horses then came in as I was making up a batch of sourdough bread and pizza dough. She could not find Luna and had saw a fox when coming in our gate. I finished up and went to look for Luna. An hour search with Stella and J following me all over turned up nothing :( I hoped walking near the trees would give her a chance if she happened to be treed to come to me. Where are you little Luna?

Back at the house I had a shower after Shaina left for the gym before 9. I crawled into bed with The Coroner with S heading to bed after the ball game. Shaina was back home just before 11 and off to bed too.

Prayers for a lost pet

This moving prayer, called simply "Prayer for a Lost Pet," asks the help of St. Francis, the patron saint of lost cats and all animals, and St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things.

"Father, We ask you to help us find our dear pet who is now lost. We know that you placed animals on the earth for many reasons, including companionship for man. We therefore ask you to help us find our lost companion, and pray that You will keep him safe and protect him from harm until he is found. We join our prayers with St. Francis, St. Anthony of Padua, and all the saints, and pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen"


"Dear God,

I know that no one and nothing can truly ever be lost, since You are omnipresent and can see everything and everyone. I affirm that nothing is lost in the eyes of God. I ask that You, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, the nature angels, and my guardian angels help me reunite with my pet right now. I call upon guardian angels of my pet(s) to send a signal so that I may find my pet(s). I now relax, knowing that God, the angels, and my higher self are already communing with my pet(s). Thank you."

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