Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Headboard complete

Today looks like it will be a blustery day and cool. After letting H out very early I went back to sleep till time to feed her. A hot chai tea was in order to get marketing underway as today is free shipping Tuesday. I set up new posts on FB and IG in hopes of drumming up business. Shaina was off to train Sharon and work out at 10.

Then it was time to get the headboard worked on. I sent Harley out with her dino bone while I tried blending dark colors and not liking so repainting the areas and just moving on to applying the transfers over the inner raised area. The cut off fiddle leaf stem has not rooted in water after over 6 weeks so I added root powder and planted up to try that instead.

I came in for lunch as the news was almost over having left over taco meat making a salad. Then it was back to dark waxing the headboard. Shaina was back home after 1:30 to do some work.

My Hello Fresh box was delivered as I came in for another online class at 3. Shaina helped me carry in the headboard before she was off to the city at 3:30.

I edited photos while listening to the class multitasking. Supper was a delicious shrimp diavolo linguine I made from the box. 

I filled the cats food and scooped poop as my outdoor chore. The day ended up warm at 23 but was overcast and oh so windy. I added more items to free shipping but still no takers ;( Britt was out at her usual time to feed the ponies (3 now I soak food for) and off by 7:30. Crazy how it is dark now by 7.

I kept on with blogging and marketing with my iPad on the side till 9 then off to bed to watch. I finished the season of Maid and anxiously await the next season. I also found out it was based on a true story which is sad and that Andie McDowell's (the mom actress in the show) real life daughter plays her daughter in the show.

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