Thursday, November 19, 2020

Too cold to paint

I awoke to a light dusting of snow overnight with a cold day ahead just after 7. It was still semi dark but H needed out so up I got. She wanted to eat and curl back up on her cushion, dang I should have crawled back into bed too but did not. Cappuccinos got me started for the day.

I started the truck then loaded Harley who wanted to come along but had to use the ramp as part of the deal and off to town after 10. I grabbed beer then stopped at the bank to pick up a bank draft I had made for Prince's new skid steer being delivered tomorrow. Kim and I ended up chatting till just before noon. Next stop was Britt's to let the dogs out. I borrowed a leash for the next stop at Rona only to find they were no pet rule. A quick pee in their parking lot then ramped her back in the truck then ran in to grab a few boards for tub tray that was custom ordered for Christmas.

Our next order of business was drive thru Tim's for a tea, timbit for H and a bowl of soup for lunch. On the way home I grabbed the paper towel holder from the candy store and left a painted F in its place. The mail was gotten then back at the ranch by 1.

Too cold to paint in the garage so worked on tutorials and staging of the sofa table and paper towel holder to get on Etsy. 

After 3 we ventured out to do Switch's foot. Seeing it has popped the plan is to now soak in epsom water and not wrap. I got the ranger out only to have the horses come in so did close to the house. Harley ripped around with the old bandage thru the snow like a nut. The ranger was put away and the cats food and water topped up and back inside. Brrr -8 with a wind chill called for a fancy coffee while I did some accounting.

finally it looks like a bit of something was drawn out

oh Pepper lol (video below)

Tuna sandwich supper then back to tutorials. I was working on one and watching YouTube on the iPad when B and her troop showed up before 7:30. It was a short visit with it now -9 out but the big dogs got some play time. She tucked J in the barn and closed it up on her way home before 8, thanks B!

I finished up the detailed dresser tutorial at 8:30 but won't post till tomorrow. The paper towel holder was put on my Etsy store. Time to crawl into bed at 9:30 to watch some YouTube. Prince was home after 11 and quickly trouble shot the garage heating issue switching power from our tile heat to get it warming overnight, yeah!

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