Friday, November 20, 2020

Game night

 Harley was tip toeing around at 7 so I convinced her to go out in the -11. She looped around to the garage ate and came in to her kennel so I tried crawling back into bed too. Good idea as it was after 8 when I got up. The garage was warming but a slow process as it seems it was down to 10 above last night S said. I worked on a bit of marketing and made coffee. I rustled up the sleeping prince to see when his new toy was arriving and gave him a coffee. Harley was excited to see him and play tug a war.

Seems this little sty on Harley's eye is not going down, this poor eye

Mid morning he went out to shovel the walks taking her along donned in her jacket while I went and painted the chairs their second coat now that it was warm enough.

red cross keeps sending socks and gloves, I have bundled them up for Kaylin to add to her homeless gift packs she gives out each year

The new skid steer was dropped off at noon as S was sitting in the sunshine with the cats and dog on the deck. It was unloaded, paid for and the fellow was off in less than an hour. Back inside it was time for my grilled cheesy chicken croissants for lunch, yum!

While they were dealing with the skid steer I saw the horses running and on high alert and saw a moose running up our lane then across the field to the winery.

it was moving so fast by the time I gabbed camera and to the door it was almost gone

I then got busy cleaning bathrooms as Stouts are coming tonight for a visit. And they need to be cleaned. I washed rugs up too as they have been while. S and I hung the new peony canvas in the main bathroom before he headed out to play in the skid steer. I pulled on the coveralls to go scoop poop as I prefer not to have it mushed around ;) I then got a epsom salted water bucket and H and I took the ranger to the bales to soak Switch's foot. S was behind us thinking he would roll one of the netted bales out but decided against it.

Stella :)

Back to put the ranger away and into work on blog posts and tutorials for me while S had a nap on the couch and Harley in her kennel after so much exercise. I cooked us up some supper and just as we were sitting down to eat B text she was in yet another surgery and would not be home late, "could I let dogs out?" We finished up eating, loaded H in the car and off to town. S got out at Canadian Tire to get parts needed to rewire the pump system and I carried on to B's. I let the dogs out and was heading back to get S when B asked if I could take them to the ranch to do their business. Back I went loaded them up, picked up Sheldon and to fill car with fuel. We were back just before 7.

Stouts arrived for a fun evening of dice, drinks, snacks and visiting. The dogs were entertainment as well. B got here from work at 9:30. She visited and relaxed before loading Cooper and Lexi and taking them home at 10:30. Stouts headed home at midnight. I started a new Netflix series called Holiday Home Makeover with Mr Christmas waiting for Shaina to get home as I knew H would bark when she did. She arrived at 12:45 and all went to bed.

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