Friday, November 6, 2020

Lessons and a town walk for H

Another day and perhaps another sale. I had a bite on the dresser upon waking after showing the sneak peek last night. Our morning routine involved another coat of green stain on the kids table top while H ate her breakfast. I had 2 quick cappuccinos while did a bit of marketing then got ready to head to Harley's lesson. I quickly loaded her, let the cats out and on the road before 9. Her lesson was 9:30 but we did not get in till 9:50 as the trainer had us crossed off by mistake and had another dog in class. Good thing it was sunny as it was a brisk 1 degree out.

I will just sit here on this icy table till class :)

Our lesson went well and even a bit over the half hour. We were loaded and heading to Strathmore before 11. A quick loop thru Tim's for a drink and sea salt caramel donut for B and I which we took to her house. She had Harley's new coat to try on which we gave the polka dot on a go taking the dogs for a walk.

Back at the condo, Harley was kenneled then B and I checked Rona for closet organizers then Walmart. Cat food, a few groceries and a loaded with blooms Christmas cactus were bought. I dropped B back at her place, loaded up H and we set off for home. Grabbing the mail on the way, we followed  Britt and Cooper into the yard before 2.

We changed Switch's bandage after soaking while Bird ate. B had a nap while I made guacamole and sorted photos saving some for B when she woke. Shaina arrived before 5 so I cooked up some supper for us all.

B headed home to change after eating and Shaina was off soon after to meet her at the sports center to meet friends to play badminton and basketball. Harley and I went to put the cats to bed trying to get the heat lamp to work unsuccessfully. Back inside, I got busy doing computer work and watching Haunting episodes. The dresser did sell with a deposit sent for half to hold it till Wednesday! YEAH!!

Shaina was back after 9, she ate her remaining supper then made popcorn for us and off to soak in a bath. I continued working on tutorials and finished the Haunting series while working then in bed. Now what will I watch? Well I started David Attenborough’s A life on our Planet but could only get thru half then lights out.

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