Monday, November 16, 2020

Short work week for the prince

Monday morning and the routine resumes. A pretty sunrise was viewed while S did her thing and breakfast. One of the gas wells was being worked on this early morning and was all done by the time Prince made coffee and joined us. A delivery from the Photowall company arrived around 9:30

another new slow feeder

H gave the horn a work over in very short time, so much for durable LOL

look at the sharp shards that come off this horn!! (video)

seems she really worked over the qwizl yesterday too to get that bully stick

The garage thermostat continues to challenge Sheldon even trying the old one from the house. We decided to run to town and grab one to get it running if possible, Harley joined us. A stop, not so quick stop, at Paetz's to grab a printed return label was our first stop. Then the parcel was dropped at the post office and we were off to Rona. Looking at the prices we decided to check on the warranty of the Honeywell digital one we had as well as look for someone who may have changed out to the new fancy hub ones like we upgraded too. Last stop was to grab milk and taco shells.

 so pretty for under $5

Back in time for prince to catch the news while I tried to get thru to the Honeywell folks. I sautéed up some zucchini for us as a veggie lunch to go along with the last of S's sour dough bread.

I distressed one leg and put a poll out as to distress or leave solid

Switch was at the shelter so I filled a bucket with hot water, grabbed the medical supplies and went and soaked her foot and changed the poultice. It still has not popped thru but is very tender between the heel bulbs. How does my wrap job look B?

S was off after 2:30 to the airport swinging by Costco to grab his new glasses on way. He will be back Thursday night having to use up some vacation days before year end. Sad they could not really be used for a vacation. My customer dropped off 2 bar stools to be custom painted at 3. I wrote a Hometalk tutorial for the navy desk. I have allot of projects to catch up on over there.

I had borscht Ma K had made and canned for supper with a side of miss Vicky's, Harley had her usual. I was working on more tutorials, blog and computer work when B and her 2 canine friends stopped out after 7. She put J away when she headed home after their short play date keeping Lexi again for another night. I worked on more blog tutorials before retiring to bed to watch the iPad.

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