Saturday, November 14, 2020

butcher shop is open

H peeked in the bedroom door before 7:30 so I let her out then around for breakfast. It was around zero again with light snow falling off and on all morning.

I sourced all the trash for S to load and drop on his way to town before 11. He met another delivery man at the gate with another tug and toss ball (I ordered thinking the pink one was a goner). Shaina was up and working on her new client info.

B dropped Cooper off after 11 on her way to a massage in the city. I was vacuuming and washing the floor. In the garage I rearranging things getting the bed frame near the door for pick up tomorrow. I pulled out a sofa table to paint up next.

S was back after 12;30 with teas for Shaina and I, thanks. I started painting the sofa table but seeing the sun came out briefly decided to walk the energetic pack with Shaina. We missed the sun but enjoyed the plus 2 weather. S hauled over the deer front half to cut up as we headed out. Shaina got back to her laptop and I to the painting. 

pack walk pre meeting

Lexi likes a path made for her (video)

B was back around 4 as Shaina was heading to the gym. B fed Bird while I gave Harley and Cooper their first deer rib. This was most exciting for them. I cooked us up turkey tacos for supper. Shaina was back from the gym and grabbing a few groceries including lettuce and sour cream for tacos. Prince took a break to come in and eat then back out later. S worked on her vision board, Britt perused her phone on the couch and I worked on the blog. A pretty uneventful Saturday night.

B and Coop headed back to their condo after 9. I crawled into bed watching an Alienist episode, S finished up his meat chopping, cleanup and into bed before 11.

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