Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Garage heat off again

We were fogged in again this morning and all through the day. And it did not warm up as forecast hitting only -5 today but after the chinook winds last night it was plus 7 in middle of the night. It was a usual morning with H, caps and some marketing then out to the garage where the custom bar stools were sanded and wiped clean.

this girl loves these balls

The sofa table was hemp oiled, wiped and buffed and left to dry. After my tuna sandwich lunch I hauled it in and got started painting the bar stools navy. I finished them up around 2:30 and decided I best go deal with Switch's foot. Seeing B thinks it has popped the soak also has epsom salts so gathered that warm bucket. H and I headed to the barn got the ranger out and off to soak her foot mid pasture.

Once this task was completed we drove back to the barn, parked the ranger, called in the kittens and topped up food and to the house. It was lightly snowing for  brief bit too. I snapped a couple sofa table pics after cleaning the glass but staging was a bust. Need to get a plan for that tomorrow.

I wrote a tutorial for the navy end table and finally got family photos uploaded ready to order. I actually cooked chicken and zucchini for supper. The heat has quit working yet again so spent a ton of time running up and down to check the pump and once again hot wired the wires. Tried unplugging the main power box for a while,

Britt and the dogs arrived around 7:30 for a poop and play but it always requires one dog in the kennel when they are inside as H wants to play with everyone. We visited and they were off after 8, B is keeping Lexi for another night as he is good company for Cooper while she is at work. 

Plugging power box back in did not start heat again, dam. S had me trouble shooting some other connections but still nothing so will leave till he gets home tomorrow night. I am glad it heated last night to paint today at least.

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