Thursday, November 5, 2020

Huge dresser complete

The day looks ugly with wind and overcast and cool out (high of 9) but as H ate her breakfast, the dresser had a 3rd coat of clear coat put on and it is complete. Next the kids table was painted a coat of green and the top stained in a similar shade.


Shaina was up at 10 and ready to head to city only to have the dentist cancel on her. She helped me haul the dresser body in after I had all 9 drawers in. It was however too big for the wall so I had to move my buffet and rest of stuff and had her help me move it over there.

B and C were out before noon but she felt sick so was soon asleep. Shaina loaded up and was off to city for rest of appointments after 12. I put a coat of brown stain on the kids table top and scrubbed the antique table that was filthy  filthy and left to dry.

Harley thought she should wake B up :)

Working on calm quiet behavior for 2 dogs inside.

DO not put the stain on in a swirl.. see how it marked?

Mom and Travis pulled in before 2 as the rain started to come down. TJ caught Jessie and loaded her with Slim  and we all jumped in and off to Moore’s. The rain let up and the sun even peeked out on our way there. We arrived at 2:40 with time for them to grab a bite to eat at Tim's as well as tea for B & I, thanks. Jessie was first up; her teeth had sharp points and hooks and she was diagnosed with EOTRH syndrome, which is a progressive and often painful ailment. This can also affect weight loss as it hurts to eat. Hopefully this all helps her. Slim was next and once his teeth were done Britt cleaned his sheath making him good for 1000 more miles;). when we loaded them up at 4:30 it was pouring rain and very dark. It rained almost to home then let up.

Back at the ranch around 5:30 I let the dogs out to play with Tim seeing the rain had stopped. Britt hauled the feed from the barn to the trailer for them and they were off to Amanda's for supper. B and I came in and I sautéed some zucchini noodles to go with the meat sauce. She also had a bowl of my yummy butternut soup to start. We skipped changing Switch's wrap seeing weather was crappy and cool and it has yet to pop.


B and Coop headed home after 6:30 as it was raining again but let up after awhile. I wrote a Hometalk post for the house sign I made Spider. I continued working on the blog catching up while watching 2 episodes of Haunting. At 10 I crawled into bed to watch yet another.


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