Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Puppy class #5

I woke at 5:30 feeling like I finally had a solid sleep, yeah! I drifted back to sleep awaking at 8:08, this was such a nice feeling. H was patiently waiting to be released and met me at the garage to eat. Inside it was the usual caps, marketing and Kong in the kennel. I also jumped in the shower seeing she was busy. Time to sell some pieces.

Canada Post offers free shipping all Tuesdays in October each year. This year we totally forgot until Amanda remembered last week but too late. I had a sale of the farmhouse wall organizer using free shipping today. Actually they only offer $20 free and this was $5 more but still a great deal. I bundled it all up and finished the taping when I came back in around 11 and Shaina was making a cappuccino. She held the top on as I taped then printed label and it is good to go. Now a new product had to be created for its place on my Etsy store.

Shaina was off to the city around 12:15 to stay with Kaylin for the night and run errands. She was offered an online coaching position with a big named coach so is very excited about this. Way to go Dude. I headed out to let out J and check on the kittens. It was melting out at plus 2.

Puppy class is at 3 today so around 1:30 I loaded up H and we headed to town. A few errands starting with dropping off the parcel at the post office then to let Cooper out. A quick stop at Walmart to grab kitten food and milk was fit in then off to lessons arriving 6 minutes early. Again the teacher arrived 2 minutes before class. Today was all review which H did very well with another 5 board hurdle to end the lesson.

I had her loaded back up in the truck and off we went going thru town on the way home to grab Opa and a chai tea (and a tim bit for H), the mail and picking up an antique table at the neighbors. Back at the ranch I unloaded H then in to eat the Opa quick. It was now plus 3 so she and I went out for a walk and ball play seeing they are forecasting snow and cold for rest of the week. J of course came along then we put him away at the end.

H looks like a Shetland in the herd :) She does very well mingling around them while I pet or do things with them.

These two were hoping for a snack.

B and C were out at 6, she was off early today. I sent H out to play while I wrote a Hometalk post for the mandala coffee table. H was back in along with Coop for a few minutes then they were off. I got back to computer work eating my salad. Harley found her voice last week and since has expressed barks now and then but tonight she was most upset with something out side. I think perhaps she smells the coyotes?? Anyway she was quite vocal. She does not like to go out into the dark when barking so I had to force her to go around the island with me before 9 then put her to bed. I crawled in and watched some Emily in Paris.

guard dog video

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