Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Eye exams

It was a disjointed sleep with S 5 am alarm going off then the power outage after 6 starting printer etc but Harley was a champ and was waiting patiently when I came out before 8:30. There was a huge wind at 5 am, looking at PLUS 7 temperature it was a chinook. It was 6 when I let her out to do her thing then around to garage to have breakfast. Back inside I got busy catching up the blog finally. S was making coffee which I served his cup in bed. H patiently awaited him getting up to visit with. S really missed his sour dough bread last week off so I brought out the starter and fed it.

todays Kong had an egg surprise

After his coffees and toast S headed out to take pictures of the shop doors that continue to not close properly then wash his skid steer. To do this he wanted kittens safe so I came out to watch them while he backed out. It was so nice out I opened the doors and let them roam, they were very intrigued with the great outdoors. S washed his skid steer while I scooped poop seeing it was soo nice out then jumped in to lift up the bucket for him to get under.

busy crew

3 kitty - puppy videos

We have a busy day ahead so quickly changed, grabbed coolers and the returns and loaded Harley up and on the road before 11:30. A quick stop at the dump then fuel was in order. A run thru Tims for a tea and tim bit then off to let Cooper out of his kennel. It was now to head east to Airdrie. The tote customer was to meet us there at 1 but we early at 12:30. I went in and did returns and S got her the package and relaxed with H. It was PLUS 12 out. I got out groceries and we loaded them in the coolers and backseat then S went for his eye appointment at 2. I took H for a walk then put her in truck while I ran to washroom then my appointment. S chose new glasses during my appointment to be ready in a week. We grabbed some food to eat then back to Miss H. I had some returns for Homesense so stopped quick there while S ate his food then we were off east for Harley's lesson #6 at 4.

She was not a fan of this guy but by the end of class it was no big deal

We were back to the ranch just after 5. Shaina had gone to town for groceries and work out. Once we got our stuff unloaded it was time for a cold beer after our busy day. H tried her supper on another slow feeder idea; a boot tray which worked better then the dish then she needed a walk so I took her out.

Shaina was home after 6 put her stuff away and getting leftovers out for supper. Britt was along soon after having gotten off work early today. I mixed up pizza dough and a sour dough loaf. Once B was done she filled a bucket of hot water and grabbed the vet kit, I finished and caught Switch and brought her in.

The dogs ran willy nilly all over seeing Bird was eating outside and Harley loves her food and the kittens and cats scooted all over and Miss Switch stood with her foot in the bucket of water like a champ. It still has not popped anywhere and she was lamer today poor girl. B got it all wrapped up again and I released her back out into the plus 11 balmy night. I carried out a bale, this one was way heavier then the last two.

B rustled up Cooper grabbed a cookie and was off for home at 8. I came in and got to work catching up on marketing while watching a Queens' Gambit. S was watching baseball and Shaina in her room. I took Harley out after 9 for water then to bed for us both. A couple more episodes as S was sound asleep after 10 and the Dodgers won the world series.

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