Monday, October 5, 2020

Horses get teeth done

Another early to bed early to rise. I was awake at 6 and could not fall back asleep but I did lay there till 7. H and I went out to do her thing, play a bit, let out J then serve breakfast. It was a damp dewy windows fogged kinda morning. Inside I did some computer catch up till S made coffee. He then sat on the deck with H & J enjoying the sunshine.

this was last year

He hooked up the truck and trailer as I am taking 4 horses to Moore's today for teeth and delivering the 4 farmhouse chairs. He then was off to Britt's after 9 to try and get the tap to not leak as unsuccessful in his attempt yesterday. H was sleeping on the deck so I went and finished removing the old finish off the tea cart top and hand sanding it. Then it was time to load all the videos for yesterdays post and get it published.

I hauled out the chairs to the horse trailer and loaded in the kennel in case H needed to stay in it when at the vets. I was digging dandelions in the flower bed when S returned after 11 with a pumpkin spice tea and muffin. Inside to enjoy it while continuing the laundry I had on the go. 

S had some leftover sausage for lunch, we watched some of the news with S from big brown. B text we could get in earlier so I headed out to catch the horses. S backed up the truck then came to help catch and closed the closest paddock gate just as the dirt guy pulled into the yard at 1. I loaded the horses then Harley and we were off. It was a lovely sunny day at 25.

Look at this huge rock chip

We arrived at 2. B and I unloaded the horses and took into the exam room and S set off. He delivered my chairs to the lady and then to get the HUGE rock ding in his window. The horses had their teeth done quicker then last time as only tweaks and Switch had her eyes checked. All were done by 3:30. B and I took them out to a stall and I waited for S to arrive. The day had turned gloomy with threatening clouds and a pile of wind. He pulled in after 4, I lifted Harley out and walked quick as he and B loaded the horses, B helped me lift in big H and off we went. I was now in the drivers seat hauling the big rig thru the ghost town airport dropping the frequent flyer at his door just before 4:30. This day worked out really well for all these appointments. 

video : the gang all in the exam room

S delivery proof for the customer, thank you!

The tea cart gal missed us though to drop off the repaired wheels but she did leave at Moore's for Britt to bring. The HUGE crack was not fully fixed as time ran out but will get finished in the future. The wind was behind me most of the way but when coming from the side it was a doozy. Back at the ranch about 5:15 Roo was waiting, I unloaded and put the horses in the paddock then unloaded miss H. She has a good bladder as never went at Moore's and had stayed in the truck all that time.

Now to unload the frozen treats I packed and her kennel and get it reset up in the garage and fed her supper. I ate the little bit of leftover chicken & potatoes then H and I went for a walk in the east pasture. We were on our way back when Britt and Coop arrived. I was dog lady while B gave the last 3 horses their dewormer having tested Switch while at vets today. She fed Bird to which we watched before walking to open the paddock gate and have the horses blast by us. J was put in for the night and the townies were off. Back inside H crashed in her kennel as I showered then did a bit of computer work. Again she was not interested in going back out at 8:30 so into bed I crawled to watch some YouTube after a very long day for us both.

K sent these pics from her birthday party, great decorating Devon

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